February 27, 2008

So much for an early Spring....

We have had just enough mild weather lately to make me excited about the arrival of Spring, so you can imagine how I felt this morning when I woke up to this....
However, not one to be defeated by a little snow, I'm spending the day looking through all my seed catalogues and planning this years' garden. I have high hopes for our usual staples of green beans and corn, but I'm also itching to try something different and unique, like the beautiful heirloom pumpkins and squash from Baker Creek Seed Company. I also want to try my hand at a small indoor greenhouse, which will be something new for me and Hubby.
I would love hearing about any of your experiences with heirloom plants and vegetables, or even greenhouse tips as well. Lord knows, I need the wisdom of someone more experienced than me!


  1. Oh...how i wish spring would just GET here!!! LOL I am in PA..and we have LOTS of snow...lots and lots..ugh. i can't wait to smell the sweet spring air and open up all my house windows!!! :)

  2. BRRRRRR. AND MORE BRRR... I was just saying today on my blog how happy I am that it is warm her in calif. Believe it or not, it has been cold (54 degrees is cold for us) and rainy for a long time. I think I had the winter blues. (I'm a weather baby). I know a little how much you must look forward to Spring.....

  3. I went over to the seed company and just looked up tomatoe's because I love them best of all and would love to grow some. Wow at the variety!!!

    My bff is starting a small greenhouse too! Hers will be for her herb business.

    Have a warm and happy day!

  4. We've had more snow this week than we have had the majority of the winter and it's barely gotten above zero degrees!!! Keep thinking spring!

  5. Sorry about your snow~it has been fairly warm here in AR today. I'm wanting to grown some pumpkins this year too, along with some broom corn, more herbs, etc. I've always got lots of plans at this time of year, LOL!

  6. While I was gone this week we had two storms. One eight inches, and last night twelve. Spring seems very (VERY) far away sometimes. Our greenhouse guy started tomato and bean seeds last week, and already planted some early spinach. I have started some flower seedlings that a friend shared but can't wait to see the bulbs peep out from under the white blanket that covers our state!

  7. Ah, yes...we had a day like that on Wednesday, too!
    Today, however, has been sunny and warm.
    I'm really looking forward to Spring!

  8. I can't wait untill you are posting photos of them big ole punkins that you are going to grow! I used to start looking at the seed catalogs the day after Christmas! HA! I move a little slower now, I can barely keep up with the seasons changing, my head is swimming it happens so fast, love De

  9. About mid-August, we'll all be scroling back to this beautiful photo and dreaming of cooler temperatures. LOL It really is a lovely photo!


  10. Beautiful barn. My hubby and I were just talking about how people let their barns fall down. Too few being preserved. There Amish around here that put the everyday farmer to shame. Farming isn't what it used to be. Do you remember being called the "BREAD BOWL"? Anyway, your barn is great and again, I find myself envious...

  11. Heirlooms are the only way to go, once you have tasted a heirloom tomato you won't go back! Amazing! I don't live too far from Baker Creek, that's amazing too! A greenhouse is a must, to me, hubby made me one several years ago, it's a big plus!


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