April 10, 2008

Is it Friday, yet?

Good grief, I need a vacation. This week has been really busy, so I'll just be able to hit a few of this week's highlights right now...

Do you notice something missing from my indoor greenhouse? (Hint- look at the right side.)

My Brandywine tomatoes have graduated to the great outdoors! (And bigger pots.) My little maters are growing up...*Snifff* I'm so proud.....

My blogging buddy Pam from Bear Creek gave me a wonderful award this week...

Thank you so much sweetie, and you know I feel the same about you, too!
And if that's not big enough news for you, there's this......

*Disclaimer: No animals were harmed in the making of this photo.

Well, the animal to whom this wool belonged to may have a different opinion on that.

Poor little Edie.


  1. Hi! I couldn't resist checking out your blog. I got the sunbonnet, LOL, and was so excited I blogged about it!


    Mrs. Pharris

  2. So good to see everything up and sprouting! I just love your lamb photos! Get some rest and have a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Kathleen

  3. Wow!!! I am sorry you have been so busy...but i always love seeing your pics and seeing what you are up to! WOOT about the tomatoes!!! That is fantastic!! And Eddie....hehe...he looks so much cooler now! ;) Have a great day Paula!!! xoxo

  4. Your blog is so awesome!!!
    and HEY I do have a chicken pendant. It's not listed in my shop - it's actually a chinese zodiac pendant, I'll have to take a picture.
    Eddie looks much happier without all that hair - do you spin it??

  5. Edie looks happy....did he put up much of a fuss?
    can hardly wait for good tasting tomatoes, we planted some too..
    have a great weekend!

  6. I'll have to check on my 'mater starts - they are outside and we had a WILD storm last night. You are being so good about graduating your starts into bigger pots - I get 'em started and stick them in the ground - live or die seems to be the motto on Buhlaland!

  7. You had better luck with your brandywine tomatoes than I have.Yours are looking great.
    I am trying again.
    Edie sure had the wool. It won't be long to hot weather and Edie will be grateful to be cooler, I bet.
    Enjoyed my visit today. Thanks

  8. I hope you quickly knitted up some sweaters for Edie and Daisy...isn't it suppose to get around freezing in our area this weekend? But I love the new haircut...that's hot!

  9. Thank you, Mrs. Pharris! You're a sweetheart!

    Kathleen- Some of my sprouts are looking better than others...I still have my fingers crossed for the pepper plants. You have a great weekend, too!

    Katy- I'm so proud of my little maters... my first indoor greenhouse has been a success for the most part, so I will be doing this again! Thanks for the woot!

    Woolies- unfortunately, Daisy and Edie are Suffolk and their wool isn't the spinning type, from what I understand. I do want to learn how to spin someday, so I may have to talk Hubby into letting me get some Shetland or a similar breed.

    Dani- Edie puts up a big fuss about everything! I love her though, even if she is a big baby. LOL

    LindaSue- you are so funny. Live or die is usually the motto around here, too, but I'm really trying hard this year to let the green thumb within me to emerge! (what a joke.)

    Ga. Farmgirl- Edie already acts so much happier, but she acted so embarrassed right after we were through... as if to say, "will y'all puleeze gimme back my clothes!" LOL

    Debbie- I am hoping they get the weather wrong this time... remember the frost we had in April last year? It killed EVERYTHING here! Even the trees! It was awful.

  10. Paula, you asked about the pink lemonade tree fruit...it tastes between a lemon and a strawberry..makes great lemonade....

  11. Oh how I love 'maters - especially brandywines. It's hard to grow them in the NW. Will you send some my way???

  12. Oh Paula...congrats on the 'maters; they are looking good; and on the shearing!!

  13. edie looks beautiful! she will love her shorter 'do'. and the maters---i am impressed so much. wish i had a greenhouse.
    i must confess to you. i used a reference to my fave new chick-belle- in myentry to miss pootsie's giveaway. i won! first time evah! thank you, belle!

  14. Hi farmchick,
    I'm so anxious to see my plants peek above the potting soil (just planted here in NY 4 days ago) it will be a bit for outdoor plants. We usually can transplant around Memorial weekend when all dangers of frost have past.
    Poor Ed, got a real haircut! I would love to get a few sheep, however, have read that you really need at least 5 to start. They are herd animals and if you have just a few are prone to escaping their pastures. IS this true? I'd need something hardy of course for our "cold" winters, yet, something for meat and preferably of a gentle nature. I love Edie's color, as a child, I remember begging my Mom for a black lamb (never got one)from one of our neighboring farmers. I read an artical about a new breed in NY called Hair sheep have you heard of them?

  15. Congrats on your award, must be a new one, haven't seen it around, but you deserve it indeed! Love the photos too!

  16. Dani- Thanks for that! I think that's so interesting!

    Kay- I'll gladly send you some maters, but Hamburger wants to bring them! LOL

    Pam- thanks so much, dearie- I only have one more shearing to go! (Thank goodness)

    Linda- I'm so glad Miss Belle was your good luck charm! That's so sweet!

    Mel- sheep are definitely herd animals, but we bottle-fed Daisy as a baby,(she was given to us by someone who didn't have the time) so she doesn't know she is a sheep. We bought Edie as a companion for Daisy after she was weaned, so Daisy follows me around and Edie follows Daisy, so it works out pretty good. Edie is very gentle in her own right- she's been around us long enough now that she really has no fear of humans, either. However, if you did have more then a couple and you didn't hand raise them like we did, you would definitely need to walk on eggshells around them because they are so easily spooked. (And very afraid of strange animals.) I have heard of "hair sheep"- they are very odd looking!

  17. Hello, Sue- good to hear from you!

  18. Oh my goodness, that photo of Edie just made me smile. She looks a bit dumbfounded. I want to hug her neck!


  19. Lea- the funny thing is, Edie looks that way all the time! LOL


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