February 2, 2009

5 minutes ago it was just rain...

Now it's an inch of white and still falling!

(By the way, it was sunny and 58 degrees here yesterday... whooda thunk this would happen?)

Looks like it's going to be a good day for some bread-making, sewing, and cleaning the house.
Well, it's never a good day for the last one, but it might as well get done while the dough is rising. I'm off to build a fire in the woodstove and get started on my projects. I'll let you know how the bread turned out on the next post, so stay tuned!!


  1. That's from me. I did that.

    You're welcome.


    Have fun house-cleaning! Guess I need to tackle that myself. Blecgh.

  2. What a great "nesting" day!
    We had some of that white stuff last week, but we dodged it this morning-just a little freezing drizzle!
    Hope you have a wonderful week-
    I love the pic!

  3. What a beautiful photo. Isn't the weather crazy? Sounds like you have a wonderful plan for today (minus the cleaning!) By the way, your comment on my blog about umpiring little kids is so true. The parents are brutal sometimes. Often, the people I was sitting with would get up and move if Nalley made a call they didn't like!!!!!

  4. Very pretty!! "They" are saying we will be getting soem of that but "they" havent' been too on target with the predicitons so I'll beleive it when I see it.
    Enjoy it.

  5. Yummy! Homemade bread! I'm on my way over!!!! LOL!
    That photo is striking! Just beautiful.

  6. Good to hear from you - and wow it is really coming down. We need some moisture but I'm happy not to be getting ice storms again! Enjoy your nesting day - sounds fun!

  7. OK, Paula, please tell me what I saw in that picture is just a figment of my imagination! Oh, I am so jealous! I truly have given up hope for it ever snowing here! Have fun doing what you do on a pretty snowy day!

  8. Your picture of the snow is absolutely beautiful..sounds like a good day to stay in. Do you have trouble with your dough rising with the weather the way it is? And Mr.Groundhog says we have six more weeks of winter!
    RiverBend Farm

  9. Ha! Just as our snow here is starting to melt- there's more on the way. Ugh. Isn't it Spring yet?

  10. Beautiful picture! We are suppose to get some rain later on today and they say we might see a snowflake or two but nothing more. It's in the 50's again here today and the nice weatherman said to enjoy it because we won't see that again this week.

    I've been sewing so I guess it's time to go clean now. lol Take Care :)

  11. Pretty!! I wish we had some here, I know lots of people hate the inconveniences of it all, but I try to look past that. hehehe!

  12. We went through that a week ago. It takes a month for it to all melt off.
    Stay warm

  13. I made bread yesterday when the weather was a bit warmer. That snow will just add moisture to the garden. Thanks for coming by. I have missed you. I am putting eyelet on some embroidered pieces first off. I've been stacking them up this winter. My winter passion... And Sara wants a couple pinafores for Mya--holiday ones. She's hoping I get one done before Valentine's day! She has high hopes! LOL
    Enjoy your snow and hot bread! You will survive the dreaded housework. We all do......Have a cup of capuccino or cocoa and all will be serene. Snow can be a calming thing....'til you gotta scoop!

  14. Ohhh..now what will poor Belle do?
    I love her little disgusted cackle as she flew over the snow!
    Love, Debra

  15. oh how I wish we were able to see our grass here! We have FEET of snow here in PA...and more coming.
    Stay warm and snuggly in your home! :)

  16. Pretty picture, it sure is coming down! Good luck with all your projects. I really need to start making my own bread, but I've been lazy.

  17. I found your blog on debra's blog(Sparrowgrass). What a treasure and a treat. I will visit often, Julie

  18. Hope you have had a great day baking bread. Mmmm. I can just imagine the aroma. Wonderful.
    I wanted to let you know that you were a winner at my blog for the feed sack give away. E mail me and let my know what your address is so I can mail it to you.

  19. Hi Paula, Your picture of the snow looks so pretty....I don't want to rub it in......but it was 83 degrees today......I love southern california...
    love, Ann

  20. I smell that homemade BREAD
    all the way to the potting SHED!
    AHHHHH how could you do this to me Farm chicklet? Ya got any butter n honey? lol

  21. What a pretty scene. I get so jealous in the winter, looking at all the blogs with snow pictures. T'aint fair, I tell you!

  22. I just love snowy days when there is a very good excuse to JUST clean my house and get cozy with a loaf of home made bread and a pot of soup or stew. Warm days make me feel as if I need to do outside, inside and extra-curricular work, and who needs sleep any how? Hope the bread was perfectly filling and tasty and you had a day of comfort and warmth.

  23. We had the same sort of stuff at out place. But this weekend is supposed to be nice. There is hope in sight!

  24. Paula,
    Just wanted to let you know that i received your note. The package will be in the mail. Have fun with it!

  25. That is a fabulous picture Paula.
    How is Belle coping with that?

  26. Hello Miss Paula!

    Wow, baby it's cold outside for you!!! Great picture! I love you video of one of your sweetie pie chickens not want to get her feet in the snow! She darling and how great to capture it! Love your blog!


  27. What a pretty picture :) and a perfect day for bread baking and eating!

  28. I just found your blog through Annie Fannie's comment page--where you left a comment!! SOOOOO, I followed you back to your great spot!! I just LOVED what I have seen--your blog is so refreshing and creative and homey!! Thanks for your shares!! Dana

  29. I don't have your email address, Paula but here is the site where I got the free graphics I use on my blog...

    I have other sites too on my crafting blog so check them out, they are listed on the right top side....

  30. We have had gorgeous weather here. So rare for us.

    Hope your bread turned out nummy!

  31. We must live very close to each other because I've been looking out my window at almost the same scene. God makes wonderful scenery doesn't He? Anyway, my wonderful hubby found your blog and sent it to me because we have so much in common. Blessings from the holler

  32. Snow, bread baking, and sewing--sounds like a perfect day to me! I'm looking forward to your next post!

  33. Uh oh, I didn't do it Paula! I didn't send any of that white stuff your way, honest!

    Truthfully, I would take the white stuff over the below zero temps any day of the week.

    I pray spring comes early this year, and I know all our farm animals are praying as well.

    hugs, Mel

  34. The snow looks so BEAUTIFUL! Sounds like a wonderful day around the house.

  35. Oh, that's such a beautiful picture Paula! Sounds like you had a wonderful day.
    Patricia :o)

  36. Hi, I hope you stay warm and get all of your things done that you want to do! Enjoy the day! blessings,Kathleen

  37. Sounds like a wonderful day ahead and with the smell of wonderful bread baking while snow is falling outside..what could be better :)


  38. Hey Paula,

    Congratulations!!! You won my giveaway!

  39. I just love your blog! I'm so glad I found it! Take care...Tracy

  40. I would join you in a heartbeat.....I love snow!!!


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