November 23, 2009

I'm amazed.....

I could have never imagined when I started blogging nearly 2 years ago how many wonderful people I would meet... some I've grown to love like family even though we've never met in person. I'm also amazed at how many people I've met who are so generous and kind and willing to share not only their lives with other bloggers but also giving their time and gifts to complete strangers. Such is the case with a wonderful blogger I've only known for a few months- Julie, from her blog, The Harward's Circle Cliff Views. She was having an incredible giveaway a couple of weeks ago, and much to my surprise, I won!! The 2 boxes arrived from Julie and when I opened them I couldn't believe all the wonderful things I found- it was like Christmas morning!
My first surprise was a handmade card from Julie attached to this adorable tote bag!

Inside the bag were more goodies that Julie had taken the time to wrap in beautiful paper and ribbons just for me!!

Once I unwrapped everything, I couldn't believe how many wonderful things she sent... and this was only the first box!
A CD of beautiful Christmas music, some gorgeous ornaments and cute Santa salt and pepper shakers, and just look at the "JOY" blocks... and the cutest little cheery cherry pin I've ever seen! *squeeal* (And she really won my heart with a box of chocolate truffles....)

But best of all... in the bottom of the box...

Was this beautiful apron made by Julie herself! Isn't it wonderful?

Inside the second box was this beautiful Thanksgiving platter.... I think it is so pretty and will look wonderful as a centerpiece on my table!

All I can say is WOW- I feel so blessed! Thanks so much, Julie- you are the sweetest thing ever! If you've never been to her blog, you should definitely stop by for a visit... she is a beautiful lady inside and out (not to mention talented) with a wonderful heart for God, her family, and her animals!


I've been a bad blogger lately... I've had too many projects going at one time leaving very little time for the computer. I'll be running errands today, so this will be a short post, but I do want to let you in on some exciting news... we've added some more woollies to our flock! Meet Sweetie and Tiny!

This is Lucy, an older ewe we also added. She is a little camera shy....

The biggest news is that Baby and Lucy will be having babies in a month or so.... if everything goes okay, we will have some new little lambs born this Christmas!

Baby is looking rather full already.....

Hubby is off from work this week so my computer time will be limited but I am going to make time to visit all my blog friends.
I hope all of you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Day!


  1. What a FABULOUS win!!! That platter is going to be gorgeous on your Thanksgiving table. You can also look stylish wearing the apron when you it!

    AWWWWW look at all your new animals! They are all gorgeous and new babies for Christmas is just too exciting!

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Paula.♥

  2. Congrats on winning all those lovely gifts. I especially love the apron - it's cute as can be!

    How exciting for your flock to be growing! Keep us posted.

    I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving Paula!

  3. Hi Paula
    Congratulations on your wonderful win!. Julie is such a sweet lady and when she had that giveaway I couldn't believe my eyes all the sweet things she was giving away!
    That Thanksgiving plate is beautiful, it will look great with your roosters!
    I love all your new sweet lambs. And babies for Christmas, how sweet is that! Can't wait to see them!
    You and your husband have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Hugs, Ann

  4. Congratulations on your win! I have been on-the-go and not blogging too consistently either! I can't wait to see the babies!

  5. What lovely goodies you got Paula!!! I love the new furbabies, just precious! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours:)

  6. A fabulous prize indeed ~ wow!! Those are some great gifts!

    I'm so looking forward to pictures of your new lambs. How exciting! Hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving!!

  7. Congrats on your win, Paula! Lovely items indeed. I'm jealous of course! But I know that you are very deserving.

    Cute little new ewes you've got there. It would be nice to have one just to love on...

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  8. HI THERE...
    oh, I'm so glad that everything got there, from my house and heart to yours! So glad that you liked it all, it was indeed a Christmas JOY for me to give to you!
    I love your new sheep, how sweet to get babies in time for Christmas!
    You have a good week with the family and a most wonderful Thanksgiving! Come say hi...Julie

  9. Congrats to you and I must say that she picked out some wonderful gifts for you.
    What a sweet lady.
    I enjoyed seeing your new additions.
    Babies by Christmas what a blessing.
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  10. So wonderful! Just love those farm babies! Have a happy Thanksgiving. blessings,Kathleen

  11. HI Paula!! What a great blog giveaway that was, wow, great stuff. I am happy to see two more adorable sheep added to your crew. How sweet! Hope you have a safe and glorious Thanksgiving!!

  12. You struck paydirt with that giveaway. I'm so glad you won, you deserve it. I think you are such a sweet blogger friend.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your hubby and all your precious farm animals.

  13. What a wonderful bunch of goodies you received....blogland has so many wonderful YOU!!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I cant wait to see the baby lambs :)

  14. What an awesome win. Chocolate always wins my heart! That's a really nice apron! I can't wait to see the baby sheep.

    I hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  15. Isn't Julie Harward amazing? You got some pretty nice things.

    Isn't blogging a wonderful way to meet people and glimpse a bit of their lives while you sit in the comfort of your own home and maybe sip a cup of coffee or tea while you visit?

    Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  16. Congratulations on the win. I just discovered your blog and it's wonderful. I'll be checking back soon.

  17. It feels so good to win a prize! And the Charlie Brown holiday shows were some of my favorites... in black & white, of course!

  18. How nice of your blogger friend to send the nice presents. That platter sure is pretty and will go well on your table this Thanksgiving.

    The animal photos are so cute. How exciting to have baby lambs for Christmas!

    I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  19. Holy canoly girl! YOU WERE GIFTED BIGTIME!!! I'm so happy and that PLATTER is going to be perfect on Thanksgiving!!! DON'T FORGET that it's almost National TIE ONE ON day... wear that apron proudly!!

    I love your new babies. EWE ARE SO BLESSED! Give them all my love!
    Happy Thanksgiving FARM CHICK PAULA!
    YOU are indeed a blessing to me.
    Holykisses xoxo

  20. Hi Paula..what wonderful gifts!!! Congratulations..such a generous lady.

    LOVE your new family members..they are so very sweet.

    Wishing you and yours a most joyous Thanksgiving.


  21. You are one lucky girl! Not just because of the win but your 'herd' is growing by leaps and bounds! And your own babies!?! You must be in farmgirl heaven!
    You and James have a wonderful and joyous Thanksgiving. Love you so much, Linda

  22. Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving, Paula! Though I can't spend as much time online as I would like and miss my friends tremendously, I think of you all often!


  23. Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  24. That was a fantastic give away! I love the new additions to your family. Especially the shy one! Happy Thanksgiving, Paula!
    Love, Debra

  25. So glad to meet your new Woolies. Can't wait for pictures of those sweet babies that will be coming soon!

    Congratulations on your wonderful win. Wow, did she ever send you a special package! I love that Chicken Scratch apron. Very cool!

  26. I am so glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, Paula..and what a wonderful giveaway win for you..please be sure to sign up for my giveaway when you have the goes on until the 6th...


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