June 16, 2010

Cleaning up....

A hard storm came through Monday evening and did quite a bit of damage around our area. This is what's left of Hubby's uncle's barn, which is just a few miles up the road from us.

This is the same place that Hubby has been working in hay- his tractor and all of his hay equipment were parked inside, but thankfully none of it was damaged. You can see his tractor sitting out in the open all by itself.

The hay is a different story- the square bales that were supposed to feed our sheep this winter are ruined. On the bright side, there is always the second cutting of hay for the sheep, and most importantly, no one was hurt during the storm.
My little garden took a hit, too- my beautiful tomato plants that were inside wire cages were laying flat on the ground- cage and all. I managed to upright them and stake the cages to hold them up. Maybe I can salvage them- time will tell.
There is lots more to do.... be back in a couple of days.


  1. I'm so sorry about all the damage that the storm did!!!
    Was it a tornado?
    It is a blessing that no one was injured!!!
    I will be thinking of you and all the cleaning up that you will be doing.....be careful and safe!!

  2. Thank the Lord no one was hurt. I'm so sorry though, to hear about the damage. I live in Middle Tennessee and we (our friends) are still cleaning up from the floods that we had weeks ago.
    I hope your garden can make it through.

    Praying for you,


  3. Whoa! Ya'll got it much worse than us...just a lot of thunder, lightening and rain here! Must have been straight line winds! Hope everything gets back to normal soon!

  4. Oh, my! So thankful no one was injured.

  5. Ooo, ugly. Glad no one was injured.

  6. So glad to hear no one was hurt but sad to see the damage done to the uncle's barn. Also, glad that your hubby's tractor and hay equipment came through fine. Hopefully the second cutting of hay will be plenty for the sheep.

    I hope your tomatoes can recover from getting knocked down. Hopefully, better weather is in your forecast.

  7. OMG thank God no one was hurt. Mother Nature can sure get angry! Have a safe clean-up.

  8. I'm very sorry for damage done to you and your husband's uncle's property. I am thankful that no one was hurt. I know you have your hands full; take good care.

  9. Oh my goodness! I am sorry about the hay. I am glad you can get another cutting. Also glad hubbies tractor was okay. Shewwy, that must of been some wind!

  10. Oh my word Paula!! SO glad you're Safe!! "Things" can be replaced...
    Looks like a Lot of work ahead!

  11. So sorry to hear about the damage that you had there. I am glad that you are alright however. I hope that you can salvage the tomato plants.
    We had had a very bad storm on Sunday with another 3 inches of rain.
    Wish I lived closer and I would come and help you with the clean up.
    Prayers for you.

  12. I's sorry to hear about the damage done to uncle's barn, but glad no on was hurt. Maybe all this rain will make for a wonderful second cutting of hay. Have a great day. Hey, the sun is actually shining here. I had to check twice to be sure. LOL We have had several inches of rain over the past few days. Rivers flooding, etc. We are on high ground, so we are safe from floods, but not wind. Winona

  13. Good Gravy, what's with all this funky weather? Sorry, about uncle's barn, It is a blessing no one was hurt, and that goes for the farm equipment as well.

    It's difficult to understand why after all the laboring work things like this have to happen. Hopefully, the weather cooperates for people to get a second cutting this year.

    Your in our thoughts and prayers,

    Hugs, Mel

  14. God bless you and your family as you face the clean-up from the storm. I'm glad you're all okay.

  15. Thats too bad, what a storm to do that to the big barn! I am so glad you didn't have damage to your home. The weather can be so very unpredictable!

  16. OH, I'm so sorry to see the destruction of a big barn and to hear of your garden. If all fails, just buy from the locals! I know you've worked hard on your garden though. Praise God no one was hurt and the equipment was spared to serve another day.

  17. Nature can mess things up sometime. Glad no one was hurt and hope the repairs aren't too much. Ya'll take care up there. Becca

  18. Glad you are safe - even straight line winds can do huge damage - still time for garden to perk back up!

  19. Hey Paula -

    WOW. I'm so sorry that all that damage was done! Hate it about the barn AND the hay. I know ya'll were counting on that for winter. I'm glad no one was hurt - thank the Lord for that.

    We had a tornado at our house that did $40,000 worth of damage, so I know how it feels. It takes awhile to recoup your losses. Rely on the Lord - He knows your needs before you even ask! Glad y'all are okay.

  20. Oh, Honey, I am just glad none of you or the critters were hurt. I guess God thought James needed more practice on those bales. Can you not get any use out of them? At least, the frame of the barn is standing. Perhaps it can be rehung with some metal sheeting. Pam said they got hail. Were you safe from that? I wish I were closer so I could help out. I don't know what I could do but I would do anything I could. I'm offering up a prayer for your little garden. Tomatoes are so important to us Midwesterners! I'm gonna quit complaining about all this rain right now. Praying for sunshine now! ★ Linda ★

  21. First of all let me say that I am thankful that everyone is okay. Sorry about the hay and your tomatoes. At first I thought it was your barn and freaked out. Whew! Can I send you tomatoes? lol! I have 8 plants and they aren't ready yet but soon! Come over and you can pick what you want. I even have okra and green beans! I share. lol!

  22. Looks like you have quite a alot of mess to clean up!
    Im happy to hear no-one was hurt.
    Mother Nature Rules :0)

  23. Sorry about all that damage, Paula! Those storms can be so intense--and like you said, no one was hurt!

    Hope your garden makes a come-back. Seems gardening has been very iffy for us the past few years.

  24. I'm so glad that you and your family are safe. So sorry to see the damage. We pray for a bountiful second hay cutting for your sheep, and recovery for your garden.

  25. Oh my goodness, what a storm. I'm glad no one was hurt, but I'm sorry that there was so much damage. That looks like a pretty big barn too. I've never been in a storm that could do that type of damage.

  26. As I read this post i saw in your sidebar the scripture " the Lord is my refuge.." and was glad. The destruction of your place and your relative's place did not take human life, and hopefully you will re-build and re-plant successfully. Still,this is scary. I am sorry for the loss.

  27. Oh my I am so sorry for you loss, but praise God no one was hurt, and you will get a second crop of hay, praying all will be well in your area, and that your tomato plants will produce after this shock, hugs my friend, Barbara

  28. The barn took a major hit. Is there house ok?

    Through this rough week of weather we have only had 1 small storm.

    Take care

  29. Wow! I'm so glad no one was hurt! That was some wind! We had a storm like that the other day too! The tin on our building was whipping about too, but thankfully none came off!

  30. God is great and gracious. Certainly makes us take notice of His amazing power. Praying for you all as you clean up and repair. Praising Him for your safety!

  31. I'm so sorry to see the damage...I'm ashamed of myself for not knowing about this bad weather. I'm so glad you and your family are okay, and the animals too. I got caught up with your blog-lots goin' on! Love your new shoes! I want some! And the adventures of Whitey-he's quite a Lothario! Bet the girls love him!
    Love ya, Debra

  32. So sorry Paula! Hope everything gets cleaned up and that you stay safe! blessings,Kathleen

  33. Hi Paula:
    Wow, that was quite a storm to do the damage it did. Sure glad everyone is okay. It's a shame to lose the hay, but I hope the next cutting will be a great harvest.
    I just got home from a week in Las Vegas and came home to 80* temps. Finally it's nice here.

  34. Oh mercy! So glad no one was injured and am sorry the barn was lost. These summer storms are frightening.

  35. I'm so glad that no one was hurt! Praise God for that! What an awful storm. It was only a storm? Looks like a tornado hit! Again, I'm so glad no one was hurt.
    Patricia :o)

  36. Paula, I'm so sorry that you were hit by the storm like that. Mother Nature can certainly be cruel and thankfully no one was hurt. How are your tomato plants doing now? I hope they have perked up. Take Care :)

  37. Paula,
    I'm so sorry about the terrible storm coming through and tearing down the barn. I did hear over the Atlanta News about the bad storms that hit Georgia. I hate that the storms damaged your property. I sure will be thinking of you as you clean up after the storm.

  38. Oh my Paula, that storm did some damage!!
    Hopefully all the animals are ok!


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