February 18, 2011

Friday Farm Funny: Chickie Chatter

If I happen to be just a teeny bit late with the afternoon treats,
this is the reception I get....

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. Paula, look at your sweet fluffy babies...I call all animals babies. Bless their hearts... they are saying "Hey, we give you eggs... Where's the Treats!".

    Where are they living, The Ritz? Boy, those houses look awesome!

    Love the sound...music to this city gals ears.

  2. *squeal* Little fluffy bottoms! Awww...bless their hearts, you can tell they've been starved and abused! LOL

  3. I would just love for you to link up with Farm Friend Friday--too cute :)

  4. Oohhh Paula... That was hilarious:) The POOR things... You can tell they rule the roast, eh?
    I just loved it and Sammi (our dog) who is laying beside me... turned his head and looked as if to say "WHAT IN TIME IS THAT??"
    Too Funny..
    Have a lovely weekend, dear..

  5. lol! that is funny! They are so cute.
    Patty H

  6. How cute, Paula...they sure know how to make their intentions known, don't they? :)

  7. That was so funny and I would be making a lot of noise if I did get my treat on time.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. So cute! Thanks for the smiles this morning. Have a great weekend Paula.

  9. Now those are some ticked-off chicks, Paula! I guess you got your dressin-down for the day! Cute video and very nice chicken pens!

  10. Hahahahaaa....Get IN there Girl and feed those babies!!!
    How Funny!! Love the video Paula!

  11. And you tortured them a little further by just standing there and filming them! Haha, I love it! Very cute.

  12. Paula this was just way too cute! I'd forgotten how vocal chickens can get when they want something.

  13. 9 little heads turned my way and several even barked back. Too cute!
    BTW! I hate word verification!

  14. How cute. I love your coop set up.

  15. Heeehehehe!!! I love it! Ya think those little fluffy fine feathered friends are just a little spoiled????

    God bless ya and have amazing' weekend sweetie!!!

  16. Paula...I love this video ! ! Can I come visit and help feed the chickens? LOL...

  17. Oh my word! That's a volatile situation--it sounds like they might riot at any moment rather than merely voice their concerns. Heehaw,,that's a good video.

  18. They were sure giving you what for Paula!! haha

  19. I want that divided henhouse! COOOL!!!!!!!

  20. Oh Paula, I love it. We only have one chicken at the moment. She used to chase our little Buddy all over the place, but now they are friends. It is so cute to see them both romping over the yard. She still lets him know that she is boss, though. LOL We hope to get some more chicks this spring. I miss them. Thanks for sharing this with us. Put a smile on my face, for sure. (grin)

  21. OK, I'm jealous!
    I played it really loud so my husband could hear.....wouldn't move.....oh well.....
    Hugs, Ann

  22. Tee-hee, that sounds very familiar!

  23. I loved it! I hope you realize how much your snippets of farm life cheer up peoples' days! Keep on cacklin'!!!

  24. Sounds like the girls are excited about something! Maybe they can feel Spring coming too!

  25. I loved hearing the girls! They seem to be a wee bit unhappy about you being late. Love the chicken house. Lucy came to the laptop to hear what all the squaking was about. She was very concerned! lol! Lucy knows how she hates it when I am late with her treats too.

  26. Love it! Every time we step out, our little free-rangers are talking away to us, checking for treats! I think they got spoiled. :)

  27. Paula! My son is laughing at the cackling from his bedroom!!!

    Mercy! I would not want to face those girls empty-handed! That is one mad flock!!!Their bums are so cute and fluffy!!!!
    Love, Debra

  28. I love chickens.....I could just sit and watch them all day!

  29. *LOL* it all sounds so familiar... yet, still sounds so cute.

    I see you have your feeders and waterers up on blocks, do your chickens still throw it out and onto the ground?

    I have been searching for maybe a homemade feeder where they have head room only, so there is little to no wasted food.

  30. I think they know you~ I love this sound. Your chicken pens are my dream pens Shelley. I will have to re-watch this video again and show it to my poor husband as I say " see, this is what I want !".


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