February 14, 2012

A Favorite Recipe

Lily has found a new favorite place to bird watch...
Unfortunately for the couch, the dent she makes in the top never goes away.

When I was growing up, beans and cornbread were a staple at our house... my mother usually put on a big pot of pintos or white beans at least once a week and most of the time we had enough leftovers for at least another night. Mother loved to try new recipes, especially ones that could be made inexpensively and with ingredients she already had in her pantry. When she found this recipe for Mexican cornbread many years ago, it was a big hit at our house and one she used alot to add some spice to the beans.
This is a simple recipe with many variations- you can make it as hot or mild as you want to; as cheesy or low-calorie as you'd like, and you can use a cast-iron skillet for a crispier crust but I prefer a 13" x 9" baking dish so  that the top and bottom come out with the same texture.

Mexican Cornbread
2 eggs, well beaten
1 can of Mexicorn (preferable, but you can also use a small can of regular corn.)
2-3 small hot peppers, chopped finely. (Or if you use diced peppers from a jar like I do, about 2 spoonfuls.)
1 1/2 cup self-rising cornmeal
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup milk*
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese*
1 medium onion chopped. (optional)

*You can also substitute an 8 oz. carton of sour cream for the milk and cheese.

Mix all ingredients and pour into baking dish; bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes. (If you're using something smaller than a 13" x 9" dish, like a cast-iron skillet or an 8" x 8" baking dish, increase the baking time by about 10 minutes.)

I usually make this to serve with a pot of white beans but tonight
we're having it with some dutch oven beef stew. *Yummy*


Sorry for the short post today, but I'm in the middle of a pretty big project in my sewing room...
more specifically, organizing my fabric stash with some wonderful little goodies I found on Pinterest.
You'll have to wait until I'm finished to see them, though...
right now it looks like a fabric store exploded and landed in the middle of the room.

Alright, Lily- time to get off that poor couch!

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!


  1. I still make a pot of white beans and cornbread. Matter of fact, I was thinking about some last night.

    They're the musical fruit.
    They're good for your heart.

  2. Aw, Lily doesn't want to move. Love Mexican cornbread.

  3. Happy V Day to you, Lily & your hubby! And all the other animals that are lucky enough to be yours!
    Have the best day! My hubby would LOVE for me to cook that, I might try it this weekend! He loves good ol' country food like that. Who doesn't !?!?!

  4. Lily, that looks like a good spot!!
    Love beans! We had them about once a week too. That stew looks good.
    My wanna be sewing room needs organizing. It'll have to wait tho. Hope you have a great day!

  5. Good, "stick to your ribs" food!! Nothing like it. I take the easy way out and use Martha White mix. Mexican cornbread is really good to use in dressing too.

    I'd like to see the explosion in your sewing room!


  6. I love cornbread with bean soup, as a matter of fact I love cornbread anytime, thanks for the recipe.
    That lily is so precious.
    Enjoy all that stash and look forward to you sharing.
    Happy Valentine's Day,

  7. Your cornbread and stew look so DELISH! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Lily always steals the show in every post:) Can't wait to see your re-organized sewing room. It's the right time of year for this type of project. Happy V-Day, Paula.

  8. lily is precious. turns the couch into her own bean bag chair.

  9. Seeing the cornbread and that bowl of stew has my mouth watering big time! I make a good Mexican cornbread by adding cream corn, diced jalepenos (fresh or pickled), and shredded cheese, all to a package mix. I am wanting to get away from processed foods, though, so I'll be trying your recipe soon!

    Lily looks adorable. Our Leyna does that same thing, and one end of our couch has a permanent indentation, the little fat butt! ;-)

  10. HA! Leave it to a bullie to find the softest spot in the house. Precious!

  11. Mmmmmm, I just love warm Mexican Cornbread but I really load it up with jalapenos. What can I say? I like it hot!!! Heeehehehe!

    God bless ya and have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!! :o)

  12. Yum-you are a good cook!
    Happy Valentine's Day my friend!
    Love, Debra

  13. We love Mexican cornbread and not until lately did I start adding the onion - we like it a lot!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you all! Miss Lily looks mighty comfortable on the couch!

  14. My mom made pinto beans and cornbread every single week...and I always looked forward to them! My dad taught me to crumble up cornbread in a tall glass of cold milk...so yummy! That Mexican cornbread sounds so good! Lily just keeps getting sweeter all the time! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too, Paula!

  15. Love the dog she is just too cute. My dog does the same thing on our sofa and chair. Happy Valentines Day to you and the stew looks yummy!


  16. yum yum
    Happee Valentine's Day
    Benny & Lily

  17. My dogs lay in the same kind of place..and make a dent..but they are tiny or the dent is not too bad! Love this recipe, a good one to go with anything! I hope you are having a great Valentines day my friend! ;D

  18. Hahahaaa...oh Lily...I'd take that cushion off the sofa and replace it with old pillows...if company comes, then put the cushion back in place...
    YUMMY Recipe!!! Thanks sweetie!

  19. Happy Valentine's Day to you! Looks good!

  20. I'm snagging your recipe - Tony LOVES spicy Mexican cornbread! Beans and cornbread were staples at our house, too, girl. That looks great!

    Lily looks comfy - she's got her little "nest" all just like she wants!

  21. Thank you Paula. I'm glad I find your blog.
    I love it here.
    Hugs from Portugal.

  22. Oh Paula, that corn bread sounds so good; you have inspired me to post a recipe that would go very well with it.
    It's one I created, and it went over so well, hubby tells me I need to write it down for future use.

    I love beans also, and the recipe I will post has beans in it.

    Thanks for the cornbread!

    Lily, I bet you dream of those birds you watch from mama's couch... you go girl!

    If your cushions have zippers on them (mine do, on the very bottom) you can add more stuffing from an old pillow that may have become flat. Works for me, hopefully, it will work for you & Lily also.

    Hugs, Mel

  23. Hi Paula - just checking to see if Lily's moved yet....

    Nope! I don't think she's going to budge!

    Have a great day!

  24. My doggie does the same thing with my favorite green chair. Even while I'm sitting in it! He is very naughty and spoiled because no one disciplines him.

    I grew up eating pintos and cornbread, too. Usually there were sliced tomatoes and onions to go with it. Your dinner looks super yummy!

  25. The mexican cornbread looks delicious! I love cornbread. Also Lily is so cute! Our dogs love looking out the windows to watch what is happening and to wait for the kids to come home. I look forward to reading more of your blog. Have the most wonderful week!

  26. PS- in Case this comment makes it to you, the new word verifications is almost impossible to read and makes it terribly hard to leave comments...If you don't hear from me in the future much it's because I can't make out the words to type them in, even after repeated tries....Did you know it had been changed? Check it out...

  27. Lily has the best spot in the house! She also gets to gaze outside while you work, oh the hard life of a well loved dog.

    I love your description of what your sewing room looks like now, ha ha!

    I have quite a few family members who'd love that recipe, especially with the stew.

  28. OMG this looks so good! I love those dishes too. Lily is a hoot. I can't get the cat hair off the back of my couch, but at least there is no dent.

  29. Lily is so adorable! Good luck with that sewing room project! And thanks for the wonderful stick to your ribs, winter-warmth kind of food fare you shared with us today!

    Thanks for your comment too!


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