May 6, 2013

I Love.....

The vastness of the sky.....

Old tractors.....

My sweet Hubby, who knows how much I love sunflowers 
 and surprised me by planting some for me...

My pink handkerchief... 
It's handy for wiping sweat while mowing on a hot day but still makes me feel "girlie".

Daisy's silly grin....

My makeup bag, because the cute little monster fixing her hair 
makes me smile every morning....

The view from inside a barn.....


The sounds of Lily snoring....  :)

What do you love?


  1. Good morning in the cottage!

    I must say that I like everything on your picture :)

    Have a really nice day!

  2. Great pictures this a.m., Paula. Of course, Lily, is my favorite. What a doll baby she is. Hope you have a terrific Monday.

  3. every single thing in your post today is also loved by me. sunflowers and daisies and all wild flowers are what i love, dogs and sheep OH MY... great post

  4. I love that you get to experience all of these wonderful things on a daily basis! How sweet that hubby planted flowers for you!

  5. There's a lot to love in this post. I, especially, love the Lily pic. Sleep on, Girl.

    I love old barns and tractors, flowers and herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits. (I could go on all day.:)

    Have a great day!

  6. this post made me smile all the way through. :) bless you.

  7. I love God who makes all my happiness possible and, my hubby who knows me like a book, the women of my family for teaching me stuff and how to laugh at myself,sunrises and sunsets, flowers of all kinds, hugs, time spent with my son, where I live, piecing quilts, crafts, I could go on as I realize I am so blessed. Thanks for this chance to voice that.

  8. You have some wonderful things to love Paula! I love the sound of my Kiah snoring to! And spring and fresh air coming in the open windows and the smell of fresh cut grass and lilacs blooming:)

  9. I love wildflowers, my family, our two boys, all our pets...oh the list can go on and on.

    Great Post! Thanks!

  10. I'm in love with my family-human and furred and feathered!

  11. I love your photos! And my soft jammie pants, my morning coffee, sleeping in, a really quiet house which intensifies the sounds of... singing birds outside my window, the sound of one kid on the computer, the other one turning pages of a book, and the doggie scratching at the door.

  12. Taking beautiful pictures! Love yours.
    What do I love?
    Mike, Spring mornings, hot coffee, all our grands, cooking for company, planting garden ( not working in it or harvesting--those are Mike's job ), my family, my friends, my dogs, and the good Lord for keeping me here and giving me all these things to love!

  13. I love my kitties even though they won't let me pick them up. The soft beauty of new leaves in the spring and the bold blooms of the iris are included in my list.

    We have several old tractors, but none painted up and restored like yours.

  14. Daisy and Lily are too perfectly adorable! Smooches on them both!

  15. The picture of Lily made me LOL because our Bella sleeps the same way...with her tongue hanging out of her mouth! Gotta love 'em!

  16. Hahahaa....OH NO!! Miss Lily does NOT snore!! Bad Momma!Hahaaa

  17. Jesus, rainy days, homemade cocoa, oatmeal raisin cookies....

    I wrote about some of my favorite things here:

    Do drop in,

    Harvest Lane Cottage

  18. A wonderful post.I love coming to read your blog.Hugs,Jen

  19. Hey Ms. Paula,

    Oh gosh, I love sunflowers too, and barns....and many more things that go along with the country! :) Of course those are things, but I figured that's what we were talking about here! :)


  20. I love reading your blog! Your Lily makes me smile every time I see her picture.

  21. I love your list of things you love. And I love your description of yourself on this new format blog. And that photo of the barn ceiling is so cool!


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