June 14, 2013

Friday Farm Fotos: Scenes from Hubby's Garden

Hubby has worked really hard on his garden this year, and it's beginning to pay off.
Everything he planted~ with the exception of one lettuce plant~ is doing great.

Here is part of our pest control crew hard at work.

Meanwhile, the sheep are keeping close watch on the garden while enjoying their fan.
(Notice they are not really keeping watch, but napping. *sigh*)

"Please take my picture!"

And even though she doesn't help in the garden very much, 
Lily is always close by just in case we need her.

 Happy Friday, everyone!!


  1. Your garden looks great! It really does take a lot of work to keep a garden looking so good. Kudos to your husband.

    Ha, your sheep are the smart ones staying near the fan! What a life. :)

    p.s. I'm harvesting cabbage today.

  2. You have a beautiful farm....and garden...:) Thank you for sharing!

  3. i love the cabbage, i love the chicken duet, and the sheep are wonderful, but Lily's face gave me my biggest smile of the day... she is so beautiful and i love her bird watching back view on the side bar.

  4. Oh Paula, will it be mean of me to be envious of your garden? I don't have a garden at all this year. You'll soon be having the most wonderful fresh veggies for dinner. Maybe if I show these pictures to the farmer he will get inspired.

    The view of your lovely home and grounds is peaceful.

  5. Lily always makes me smile
    She. Akers my day

  6. Everything is looking great. Lily helps about like our Buddy. LOL We love him anyway! Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. lovely!
    your pics are so vibrant, colorful. and the pup is adorable ;)

  8. love those cute chicken butts! :)

  9. The garden looks as beautiful as your farm does. So green and pretty. I love seeing the pictures of all your animals and of course Lilly. What a sweetheart.

  10. Always enjoy your pictures! The garden looks wonderful, a lot of 'good eatin' there!

  11. Oh it all looks good Paula, including Lily. We could use more sunshine on our garden but it's coming along. Hope you have a nice Father's Day weekend. Hugs, xoxoxo

  12. It is a great garden!!!
    I just love that Lily dog!!!!
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Looking good! Love the adorable pest control crew!

  14. Lovely! The garden looks great. Can't help but love that dear Lily.

  15. I am convinced that you live in one of the best places ever. It always looks so green, beautiful and PEACEFUL. You should open a B&B. I would come in a heart beat. Lovely garden.

  16. How wonderful! You have a lovely garden!

  17. Hahahaa...love Miss Lily!
    And I see someone got a haircut!

  18. Ooooh my, what a splendid veg garden! I do love your pest control service...perfect!
    Sending hugs your way...
    Judy x

  19. your homestead is beautiful and shows the work of loving hands and hearts. I'm not doing a garden this year but hope to buy from the neighbors.

  20. These garden shots make me want to plant a larger garden next year... providing Hubby is not traveling and here to help me eat all of it. LOL

  21. Everyone needs a sweetie face to look at like hers!

  22. You must feel lucky to have all this nice things around you :)

  23. I am so jealous! The garden is looking amazing! I am having ant problems! My corn particularly is suffering! Love the animals, too, especially those chickens! :-)


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