September 20, 2013

Friday Farm Fotos: And WHOOSH.... it was gone.

That pretty much sums up the Summer of 2013 for me~ a fast-moving whirlwind and it's already gone. 
I'm a little sad to see summer go, but I always look forward to fall (my favorite time of year!) and besides, this summer was anything but typical. Lots of rain made it hard to keep up with the yard (hey, I made a rhyme!) plus keeping the garden weed-free was nearly impossible. I also took on a few small sewing jobs on the side to pick up a little extra money but that also took up a lot more of my "free" time this summer.... add that with the usual chores of keeping the barns cleaned out and summer came and went before I had the chance to turn around twice. 
Or blog. *Sigh*
Like I said, this summer was anything but typical, and not just for the weather~ we seemed to have more problems this year with varmints and pests than we usually do. Our entire cantaloupe crop was eaten from the inside out by something... we're still not sure what it was.

We also discovered we had a yellow jackets' nest somewhere around the garden. 
(Actually, I discovered it while mowing one day... *OUCH*)
See if you can spot the little demons flying around in this picture~

 They were coming in and out between some cross ties we had next to the garden. We poured some gas on it and lit a match for good measure (just your normal redneck pyrotechnics) and thought we had gotten rid of them, only to find that all we did was just made them really mad. Hubby had to use his tractor and push over the cross ties (then make a run for it) and we found the nest was in the ground~ it was the size of a basketball.

 Some more gas and fire did the trick this time, although there were still a few flying around that had escaped the... ah... explosion.

And then there was this guy....

At first I didn't mind him coming around because he was cleaning up the sunflower seeds from off the ground underneath the bird feeders. But then he learned how to get on top of the feeders and shake them and turn it into an all-you-can-eat all-day sunflower buffet. 
The upside to this little episode was that it got Lily off the couch and on high alert 
as the official "Bird Feeder Patrol" unit. Here she is having a staring contest with Mr. Fuzzy Tail, whom I'm beginning to think is (or was) someone's pet because he is not afraid of anything or anyone. It's not until Lily takes off running towards him that he flees the scene.

It's not been ALL work this summer....

I've enjoyed a visit every morning from Momma deer and her two babies,
and got to watch them grow....

Hunting season starts around here in two weeks.... 
I haven't seen them in a couple of days now so I'm hoping they know it's time for them to leave for a while.

And Hubby and I found a little time here and there to take our bikes out for a ride. 

And of course, Lily was in her yellow taxi. :)

How about you~ are you glad to see Summer 2013 come to an end, 
or do you wish for a few more months of it?

Happy Friday, everyone!


  1. Cześć Paula, dawno Cię nie było, ja też nie lubię końca lata ale cóż zrobić, Huby na przejażdżce wygląda świetnie :)
    Uściski ślę:)

  2. Paula, with a 2 year drought in our area we're glad to see it go. See my blog for proof that no rain destroys. Honestly, too much is better.
    Lily and Beau have a lot in common as good squirrel dogs. If I road a bike, I'm sure Beau would have a taxi too.
    Those ground jackets can be a real pain, but then you know that. :D

  3. Hi Paula,
    It's good to hear from you. That yellow jacket nest had to be a big bummer. A couple of summers ago my younger sister was attacked by some when she stood over their nest pickin' blueberries and was stung multiple times. Thankfully, she had some allergy meds, but it was a close call due to swelling.

    Love the pics of Lily, especially the taxi ride. Have a great day.

    p.s. A mixture of 1/4 cups dish liquid in a quart of water will kill yellow jackets - that is, unless you were plannin' to roast hotdawgs at the same time. ;)

  4. tell Lily she has the cutest backside I have ever seen... love the little cart... and i wish i had been there for the redneck pyrotechnics, I LOVE FIRE and explosions and hate yellow jackets.

  5. Lily in her yellow taxi ...too cute for words.
    Sorry about the pests in the garden, yellow jackets ...the meanest little buggers aren't they.
    Come on over for a pony cart ride through the woods today and take your mind off things for just a bit !

  6. oh, lily! what an adorable girl...

    summer cannot leave fast enough for me, here. :)

  7. Have you seen my new lily?
    Just wondered

    Lovely photos ....but what are yellow jackets?

  8. Yes, that's about the size of it...whoosh it was gone. Lovin' Lily's taxi

  9. I have missed you, Paula, but it sounds like you've had a good reason not to blog. Our summer was o.k. with only one really dry spell, then a few rains came and the pastures came to life and we've put up more hay than we will need this winter.

    I've never seen a cantaloupe eaten from the inside; I know coons and deer will eat them.

    I'd like to see some of your sewing projects.

  10. I 100% agree. The wedding took up most of our time and then suddenly it was July 4th and then suddenly it was Labor Day. I will say I'm ready for wine & fire nights!

  11. Oh Paula. Whoosh indeed. This farm girl is read for winter rest.

  12. Hi Paula! Yep, it's over and I'm glad it's soon to cool off! Actually, it's come a toad strangler of a rain last night and today, which is GREAT - cuz we've not had rain for about 2 months. Everything dried up in the garden back at the end of June, but we have an early harvest... I love fall! It's my favorite time of year, too - wish it lasted longer. Actually, wish it cooled off here in Texas as soon as it does up there. Y'all have a REAL autumn! We have just a few weeks of autumn, then boom! It's Christmas! Have fun decorating!!!
    (Love your pics - especially your squirrel-dog)

  13. We have a feeling all those animals, bees, tree rats etc were plotting against you
    Benny & Lily

  14. Yes I can honestly say I'm glad to see it go. I love Fall too and wish it would stick around a while. I dread winter so bad. Those yellow jackets are bad news. We've had to get rid of several nests. I've never seen cantulopes eaten like that from the inside out. Hope you enjoy the fall weather as much as me.. Hugs, xo

  15. I'm always sad to see summer go but not the intense heat. I dread winter...even in Texas. Blah. My boys would LOVE setting fire to yellow jackets. That is the stuff of adventure right there. :) We are getting good rain today so I think I am happy to live it one day at a time. Blessings!!

  16. You did have a busy summer! As for me, I am so ready for some cooler weather!

  17. Lily, spoiled and pampered. However, when we asked Higgins if he wanted a yellow taxi, he said no. He has an air conditioned suv to ride around in.
    Good to see you back.

  18. Hi there gal, I was wondering what was going on at the farm. Ick on the yellow jackets, they sure do hurt and yes, they live in the ground. Get some delta dust and sprinkle in the hole at night so when they fly out in the AM, they will get covered with the powder and take it back into the nest and die. HUM, I wonder too what ate your fruit from the inside out???

    Look at miss Lily, love that taxi!
    I will pop in from time to time and see what you are up too.
    GOD keep you all safe.

  19. Nice to see an update. Lily is as cute as ever. Autumn is my fav time of year too!

  20. Thought we were gonna mow ourselves to death this summer! Ready for a rest and some bonfires. Go Lily! Love her taxi too.

  21. I'm kinda glad to see summer go. I love fall of the year and as you, we've had so much rain during the past few months. My husband has had to use the hillbilly pyrotechnics on a few bees nest too. We finally gave up on a bird feeder, the squirrels kept eating the seed and the bears kept tearing the feeder down. Grrr!!

  22. Great series of photos. Lily is adorable!

  23. Ugh, it was over in a flash here, too!

    Boy, that's about as awake and alert as I've ever seen Lily!! :) Kinda funny... our dog is similar. He doesn't even raise his head when we come home ~ just opens his eyes and thumps his tail on the ground a few times. Very enthusiastic. But man, I tell ya, if there is a squirrel anywhere on our 4-acre yard, he is on high alert and barking his fool head off! Skunks, coons, coyotes, deer ~ he considers those all friends, but squirrels? NO WAY! Crazy mutt.

  24. I wish fall would stick around longer as I am never ready for cold and snow.
    Lily looks so cute in her taxi,
    We have lots of pesty squirrels to drive our Maxwell nuts.
    Glad I got caught up with you.

  25. I am so glad for summer to be gone since down here in Texas it gets way tooooo hot and I prefer temps below 100. Way below, like down in the 70's. And autumn is also my very favorite season. I'm getting out my pumpkin décor and I started collecting owls this year. Love your writing!

  26. Yes! I am happy to see the summer of 2013 go, because fall is my favorite season and Christmas is my favorite holiday. This was such a great read of your summer, I so relate with the rain problems, and extra varmints too! And now we have a yellow jacket nests to deal with, "ouch" is right, I once stepped on a yellow jackets and he didn't like that, so he stung me, I don't remember ever having so much pain.
    That Miss lily is ever so precious, and faithful, I think she deserves a fee taxi ride, give her a hug from me.

  27. Oh, my, I can't believe summer's already gone. It's flown by. Yes, with all the rain, it has not been good to grow a garden. I'm glad you took time to have some fun. Looks like the animals are happy.

  28. love the redneck comment. LMAO your blog is so fun. I always enjoy the pics!

  29. I have a love / hate relationship with the squirrels around here.For the same reasons you appear to. They get so bold after awhile they won't flee from us or our dogs, and I won't let the cats out to eat them because the cats seem to get more birds, the reason we have feeders up !Life is always interesting, but especially around your place. I love Lily.

  30. Oh yellow jackets can be so dangerous! Glad you got rid of the nest!!
    Love all the photos dear friend!!

  31. Love to see what's growing and roaming around your farm! As always Lily makes me smile. Yes, fall it my favorite time of year. I am always holding the door open to usher summer out and to welcome fall in.


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