September 27, 2013

Friday Farm Fotos: Is that Fall I see?

It's still a little early yet to say Fall is here in all its glory, but it is definitely in the air.
Cooler days and even cooler nights have arrived, and all the creatures around here (including me!) are breathing a sigh of relief that the summer heat is finally over. It's always amazed me how the earth seems to undergo so many changes this time of year, and how the animals just seem to know what to do to prepare for the winter ahead.

We still have hummers visiting the feeders; just not as many as a couple of weeks ago. 
I know they are preparing for their long journey southward, 
and I always feel sad when they leave.
Godspeed, little one.... I wish you safe travels when it's time for you to go....

My vitex is starting to lose its blooms, 
but there are a few creatures still enjoying what little bit of goodness they can get from it.

For the entire summer I've had a doe feeding along side the fence around our pasture, and she has become quite attached to the sheep. And likewise, they have grown accustomed to her daily visits, and will actually come out of the barn and walk to the fence to "greet" her. I'm not sure if she feels there is safety in numbers, or if she is just curious about them. 

Hunting season starts around here this weekend... 
I haven't seen her for a couple of days, 
so I'm hoping she has followed her instincts and moved to a safe place for a while.

And I don't really think Lily is concerned about winter....
but I do think she is unhappy about the days getting shorter 
and cutting in on her time outside in the evenings with the chickens.

The life of a poultry wrangler is pretty rough, you know. ;)

Happy Friday!!!


  1. What wonderful photos.
    Such love.
    Happy Fall Friend :)

  2. the sheep and the deer just warm the cockles of my heart!!!

  3. I think our hummers went 2 weeks ago. I still have my feeder out-there are always some fly-throughs that need it.
    I hope Miss deer is safe and returns after hunting season. She knows a beautiful farm when she sees it!
    Love you.

  4. oh, the doe and sheep hanging together is precious!!! all of our hummers left when temps dipped a few nights last week - into the 50s at night. that was enough to shoo them south.

  5. So much beauty all around you, Paula. Love the doe with the sheep and of course, Lily is sweet as can be. You all have a nice weekend.

  6. Great pictures and it is a lovely Friday where we live.

  7. Pretty photos, Paula. The doe must feel a kinship to the sheep. Our signs of fall are the wildflowers blooming around the edge of the hay fields, and the cardinal flower along the water's edge.

  8. LOVE these pics & your blog! I'm a new GFC follower :)

    P.S. I'm hosting a giveaway that you might be interested in!

  9. Beautiful... as always!! And like usual, so peaceful-looking, too!!

  10. Pretty pictures. It looks so good around your place. Hugs, xo

  11. Hi Paula, I love your photos!!! What a gorgeous place. So nice to see a hummingbird, too!

  12. Hi Paula, beautiful, beautiful pictures. Love the close-up of the hummingbird. Hoping the deer makes it through hunting season. Have a great weekend.

  13. Oh what a great picture of the hummingbird. I have enjoyed them so much this year...maybe because of changed arrangement with my feeders so I can see and hear them more. The deer reminds me of that Sesame Street game...which one of these does not belong. :) I never tire of seeing the sights where you live.

  14. OH Paula, Fall is such a loverly season. While I will miss the summer sun, I am ready for the change of seasons.

  15. Loved your photos, Paula.. The deer is so dear.. grin..
    So is Lily.. xo

  16. So beautiful Paula!!!!!
    Thanks for sharing......Earlene

  17. What a peaceful pasture picture and those fall colors starting. I will keep my feeders up and filled and feed your hummers that are coming this way and heading south. Mid october seems to be the last of them and I will sure miss them.

    Kiss miss Lily for her auntie, she is so cute laying there sunbathing.

  18. LOVE this beautiful post!! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

  19. Ahhhhh, such a serene, idyllic landscape...a perfect tonic indeed!
    Frost has tickled at the edges in our part of the land...with the hummers on the wing weeks past. Snowflakes shall certainly begin to fly in short order. So goes time ...
    Wishing you much joy!
    Judy x

  20. I loved all of the photos and how things are changing now that fall is finally here. I do not like the thoughts of it getting dark earlier however.
    This is my last week of work as I have been laid off so I will miss you and your beautiful photos

  21. Yes Paula.. it does look like Fall has arrived in your neck of the woods.
    We've been enjoying Fall colors here, for a while, and we just had our first hard freeze of the season.
    No more gardening here.

    Love that Lily. She's going to have to spend her spare time, cuddling up next to the fire, and napping.

    Have a great week!

    {p.s. I'm back to blogging.. and it's fun again!}

  22. Your pictures are beautiful. I can't imagine walking outside to such beauty each day. Thank you for sharing a bit of life on a farm.


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