October 14, 2013

Three and a Big Surprise

Lily loves our mail lady.
Probably because every time she comes up the hill, she has a package for Lily.

This time it was from one of my dearest friends in another state.....

There were two sweet cards inside~ one for Lily, and another one for... Lily's Birthday!!

Yes, you heard me~ its all yours.

The box was pre-inspected.

Each gift and the adorable wrapping paper were also pre-inspected. *Sigh*

Apparently this one met approval even before it was unwrapped. :)



Treats!!! *YUMMY*

I told her to smile for the camera, Angie~ this is what I got. 

And that smile says "Thank you."  

So, how did she spend her 3rd Birthday?

Uh, lets just say it was.... uneventful.  ;)


  1. she is too darn cute!!! happy birthday, lily!

  2. i laughed my way all the way through this post. Lily your face is just PRICELESS.. i thought i wanted a grey hound if we ever get another dog, but now i am thinking bull dog. so sweet and i love the birthday card

  3. What a cute post. Happy birthday to Lily. Hard to believe she is 3 already. I don't comment much anymore on blogs, but I read and as always love the pictures you post of your homestead and animals. Have a wonderful fall, my friend. Give Lily a scratch for me. :)

  4. Oh yeah, what a girl - Happy Birthday Lily! She's smart to inspect before gulping the treats down. Our dawgs gulp and ask questions later. o.O

  5. Happy birthday, Lily! What a sweet friend....and such cute pictures. Dogs sure know how to really enjoy a gift don't they?

  6. Sometimes sleep/naps takes priority no matter what day it is... *giggles* Happy Birthday, Lily!!

  7. This has made my day!!! SO glad she enjoyed her gifts..and a birthday nap, too! Love you both, Angie :)

  8. Priceless, thanks for sharing her adorable birthday pics.

  9. Precious photos of the birthday girl.

  10. So happy "Miss Lily" had a good birthday! Who can beat treats and a nice, long nap? She's such a cutie pie!

  11. I could just smooch her to pieces! Happy Birthday, Lily!

  12. Oh Paula~you always make me smile! Give Lily a big ole hug for me!!!

  13. Well I declare, Miss Lily is one spoiled pup! And cuter than a bug's ear to boot.

  14. A perfect celebration indeed! Happy, belated birthday to Mistress Lily!
    Kisses ...

  15. Oh, what adorable photos of Lily. Happy Birthday, you lovely dog!

  16. Awww... what a sweet treat for Lily!
    So thoughtful.

    Hope you are having a great week, my friend.


  17. Awww!!! Happy 3rd Birthday Lily!!!

  18. Happy 3 Miss Lily!!! I love that beautiful face so much.

  19. what a face,,,what a darling face! Who couldn't love that sweet face. Happy birthday Lily Bell.

  20. My god, what lovely photos on a beautiful girl!
    I feel so happy when I look at your pics :)

    Have a really nice time and take care!

  21. This is the CUTEST post I've ever seen.
    Happy day, Lily!!!

  22. Aww Happy Belated Birthday Lily !!

  23. Lily is the cutest! Just dropped by to say hello and to see how you are!

  24. Hey there honey-hope you are okay-I worry about you-hope all the critters are okay too. Have a lovely Thanksgiving and stay safe and warm.
    Love, Debra

  25. Just too precious, Paula! I'd love the mail lady too if she brought me boxes of sweets! :-) I too have been away from blogging a LOT over the past few months...my computer crash wasn't really the start of it, but that took up a good month; company; aggravation over not being able to get good pictures with the manual; and some depression I will explain later. Seems like when you are depressed, Pinterest serves as a kind of mindless self-medication. Anything else takes too much effort! :-)

  26. Happy birthday to miss Lily. I am sorry I missed it, I hope she had a wonderful day.


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