August 4, 2008

Time to plant some Punkins

The garden is almost finished for the year..... *sigh*.... it's always a little sad to see weeds and empty cornstalks, but now my pantry and freezer are full of wonderful veggies to last through cold weather. (Yay!) Hubby cleaned out the rows so we can plant some pumpkins and indian corn for Fall. I can't wait- Fall is my favorite time of the year!

I am catching up on some much needed indoor chores this week and since there is supposed to be some rain in the weather forecast for the next couple of days, I might even get to dust off my sewing machine. I have some projects in my craft room that have been just laying there waiting to be finished for some time now.... aprons with no straps, chickens with no beaks, patterns with missing pieces (ugh)... you get the picture.

I also have some wonderful new recipes to try out (and share!) so I'm planning on posting on those soon, as well as some new items for my ETSY store. By the way, any recipe you could ever want or need is over at my wonderful friend Linda's blog-Parker's General. She is also having a great give-a-way to celebrate 400 recipes posted, so be sure and enter while you're there!

Here's something to make you smile- my little silkie Belle doing her version of the "Happy Dance."


    Was that a mower in the background?
    We plant pumpkins and Indian corn in the spring. Do you have enough growing season left? Mike wants to plant another crop of horticulture beans but I worry it will be a waste of time.
    Thanks for the plug about my giveaway.
    I, too, have a bunch of projects to get done but the days pass and I just get more projects. Seems that I am never completely finished with everything. I guess there will be that one day when I am totally finished....*sigh*...

  2. Belle is so pretty! I love her dance!

  3. I love Belle's little dance! She reminds me of when my guinea pigs do their dance piggy people refer to as "popcorning". They do this when they are excited and happy. It mostly happens when you are bringing them a treat, like fresh grass or fresh corn husks. They will just be walking along or watching you and all of a sudden...Boing! SO cute! I can't wait to see your recipes and goodies from the sewing room! :)

  4. I absolutely LOVE reading about your life on your farm....and Belle is just adorable...I didn't even know what a Silkie was till I starting reading your blog....born and raised in the big city of Houston....thank goodness I'm not there anymore.

  5. You must eat more nutritiously than most of us Americans. You are so fortunate! I love looking at all your pictures of fresh vegies! It inspires me to eat healthier!

  6. I was wondering if it was too late to plant a pumpkin patch for Colton. We're in West Tennessee. Do you think that is still possible? He would be so thrilled.

    So happy that you've had a happy harvest.

    I love Belle!


  7. Belle looks very happy! I love to see animals jump with glee. Baby goats are especially good at it!

  8. You're so lucky to have TWO garden seasons!! I suck with plants, of course, so it isn't the abundance of plants and produce that I'm envious of ~ just the fact that your weather is conducive to it!

    We have to plant everything in the second half of May (and then we hope for no frost in May and June ~ because yes, it can happen) and then if it isn't out of the garden by the end of August, we're risking serious frost again. Because yes, it can happen! You should see all the fancy thrift store bed linens I've amassed in my efforts to protect my tomatoes!!

  9. You have been very busy! I know how much you will enjoy the Summer's bounty in the months to come.
    Yay, Belle!! She made me smile this morning!
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. Belle looks quite happy!!

    I wish we had time for some punkins but I am afraid we don't. We do however have a huge patch of greens planted that are peeping up now!!

    I'll just have to make a trip down to Tenn and snatch a punmpkin out or your patch for my pies!! Oh But I won't mess with you, you snake wrangler!!


  11. That Belle is such a cutie. I didn't know you could plant pumpkins in August

  12. I gotta get me a camcorder to record my chickens. They are such fun to watch! Thanks for sharing Belle.

  13. There is such a difference in harvest time from one side of the country to the other! You are almost done and we are just starting harvest on our farm. Corn won't be ready until the end of August as well as the beans. We have cucumbers coming on thick and the blackberries are almost ready to be picked.
    Love the silky dance!! Chickens are the best animal to have!!
    Happy sewing!

  14. Hey there!
    Just checkin in to see how you're doing!
    So you are still going to plant pumpkins and corn and it has time to make before thee end of the year? WOW... I tried that once here, but the grasshoppers kept doing everything in... It's like a plague of hoppers come Fall in Arkansas.
    Hope all your critters are doing good!
    Later gater,

  15. Hey Paula,
    My garden is almost finished too. I don't know whether to sigh or jump and down. I will miss just going out and picking something for supper though and I am so grateful to have so many vegetables canned and froze for winter months.
    I love Belle's happy dance. Maybe I will try it out. Better yet, maybe there could be a chicken dance with the
    Have a good day!

  16. Hey Paula,
    I have just started checking my favorite blogs again. Sounds like you have had a busy summer. I love the silkie dance! I too have many sewing projects waiting for me but there is still so much to be done outside. I love reading your blog. Its very informative and inspiring. Have a great day.

  17. Your farm seems like such a happy place! I love it over be there in person would be wonderful!

    Belle is too cute! Is she a little fiesty?

    And like Lea, I'm wondering if it is still possible to plant Eastern Arkansas?


  18. Wow! It amazes me how different the growing seasons are from place to place. We just started getting tomatoes from our garden this week! The watermelons will be ready soon :) Pumpkin is my favorite though! It will be fall before we know it!
    My little chicks might even give me an egg before the snow flies! :)

  19. That made me laugh! How cute is that (great sound effects, too)
    Patricia :o)

  20. We don't garden (no space here in town), but I love reading blogs about others who do. It's interesting to see various one's pictures of the gardening process beginning with shots of furrowed fields, to small seedlings just erupting from the ground, to lush ripe fruit and veggies straining on the vines and plants, to the last of the bounty being gleaned for the season.

  21. Belle sure is sweet. I can watch the chickens all day, they are always so busy. I am glad to hear you say time to plant pumpkins. I got mine in the ground a couple of weeks ago and I worried that I was too late. I don't think we will have a cold snap for a long time. Blessings

  22. She looks like such happy little thing. Wow, you are ahead of us garden-wise. We are just now getting our green beans and peppers. Our tomatoes are there, but not red yet. Our corn is just about ready. I love fall too. I love the pictures of the produce in the basket. Have a great day, Paula. Kathi


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