May 14, 2009

A garden re-do, and a grateful heart

After nearly 2 weeks of rain and very little sun, Hubby turned under the entire garden with the plow and we re-planted everything. I had hoped things might look better after a couple of days of sunshine but what little bit of corn was trying to survive, the crows found it. Even though we are getting a very late start, I'm still praying for a bountiful harvest of beans, corn, cucumbers, and cantaloupe.

My tomato plants did not fare much better, although for each one I'm losing another one shows a ray of hope in the form of a tiny bloom...

The hot, dry season is just ahead for us, but I will try to have an optimistic attitude and not be discouraged. Looking over the garden again this morning after a fresh start I decided to make this a show-and-tell for some things I'm thankful for....

I am thankful for a wonderful Husband who loved me enough to buy me a little red wagon- just because I thought it was cute....

I am thankful for a faithful companion who goes up to the barn with me every morning at 6:00 AM, and still loves me even if I'm a little cranky...

I am thankful for a Dad who not only took the time to build and set up hives so we could have honey from our very own bees but, most importantly, pass along some of his wisdom so I can carry it with me the rest of my life.....

I am thankful for the hens who produce mine and Hubby's breakfast every morning, and for a rooster named Hamburger who keeps us entertained for hours on end.

I am thankful for red tractors...
(these were Hubby's words...)

I am thankful for a barn for our sheep to stay dry in bad weather......

I am thankful for the smile I get from seeing fuzzy bottoms.....

Fuzzy bottoms.....

Fuzzy bottoms......

I am thankful for eyes to see and ears to hear the wonders of nature....

I am thankful for a warm, cozy home when the rest of the world seems cold.....

What are you thankful for today?


  1. Beautiful pictures, Paula! We do indeed have much to be thankful for. Except snow. Which I happen to be seeing right now...

  2. I'm thankful I read your post before I went to bed - I too am very thankful the Lord lets us see one another's lives in our blogging. The garden will be wonderful - long hot days are coming

  3. You have a lot to be thankful for!

    I'm thankful that I get to live out in God's country where I grew up, to do the things I want to do such as plant trees, raise chickens and ducks and share it all with the people I love. Life doesn't get any better as far as I'm concerned!

  4. I love this post Paula! You have shared such joyous photos of all that you have to be grateful for. I'm grateful to be able to visit blog friends from different parts of the country and world and be uplifted like yours tonight did. I am grateful for the spring time sights, scents and sounds.

  5. That was a great post! I'm thankful for blogger friends like you - I just wish we could meet in person and sit and have a glass of tea and talk about gardens and fuzzy bottoms.

  6. Good post, Paula. I needed to hear that tonight. Instead of always asking God for this and that, it's good sometimes just to be thankful to Him and not ask for anything at all.

    Love those fuzzy bottoms!

  7. I too, am thankful for a lot of things. One thing is that I can see good, so I can enjoy the neat pictures you post.
    I love your little red wagon. What a sweet hubby to buy it for you. And I love his red tractor too.
    Cute pics of the chicks. And a neat picture of your porch. You are a lucky farm woman!!

  8. Thanks for this post Paula :)
    I needed it today. I have so much to be thankful for and I needed to be reminded of that!
    I am thankful for wonderful blog friends like you....and that you share those cute fuzzy bottoms with us..LOL!!

  9. Great pictures! Lots of great things to be thankful for. I hope your garden is very productive! I love the wagon and the fuzzy bottoms too!

  10. I am thankful for you, and your encouraging post! And fuzzy bottoms! Fuzzy bottoms, fuzzy bottoms!That is fun to say.

  11. I am soooo thankful for the rain we received in Florida yesterday. It was so needed! I have so many blessings and I am thankful for all of them.

  12. Paula~ I'm thankful for nice blog buddies like you that brighten our days with your nice posts! I LOVE your precious doggie and that wagon is awesome! I sure hope your re-planted garden takes off for you! Hope you have a lovely day!

  13. What a nice way to start my day....looking at your pictures and hearing all the things you are thankful for, making me pause and think of the things I, too, am thankful for. The first thing that came to my mind was my son. He came to visit us for two wonderful weeks and we had such a great time. I am so blessed to have a son! That will start my rather long list!!!

  14. oh my! the fuzzy bottoms made ME thankful!!

  15. I just posted from my wrong account!! Well anyway fuzzy butts are making me thankful still no matter what account I am commenting from! hehe

  16. What a refreshing post, Paula! I loved looking at all your pictures and reading words from your heart. I would have to say that you have been very blessed!

    As for myself...I'm thankful that God has given me another day to enjoy spending time with those I love the most.

  17. I'm sorry about your garden, I'm always afraid that we'll plant and face the same problem. So far we've been lucky!!

    I love the pictures of your fuzzy bottoms. It cracks me up that they keep the fuzzy bottoms even when they grow up!

  18. Hi Paula,

    I just LOVE your thankful post!!! It has put a huge smile on my face this morning.♥ Hope you have a wonderful weekend and maybe the rain will stay away.

    We are supposed to get hammered with rain (hopefully only rain, no hail or tornados or straight line winds) again tonight and all day tomorrow. Yesterday was the first sun we have seen in about 16 days!

  19. It's nice to see you giving thanks in all things, Paula!

    Your weather sounds pretty much the same as we've been having here in northeast Texas. I am thankful that for each rainy day we have, that's one day longer before the intense heat of our summer arrives!

  20. I'm thankful for your post that reminds me of all the things I have to be thankful for. My list, my husband who is so faithful and good to me, our son and grandchildren, our cozy home, our health, my first garden, the wonderful flower garden, my parents, that most of our family is saved, our church family, our dogs. Okay, I'm gonna stop. But thanks for reminding me to be thankful. By the way I really like your super cool red wagon.

  21. I am thankful to be able to come and read a blog as wonderful as yours! It just made my day and makes me remember how blessed I truly am! blessings,Kathleen

  22. Paula,

    You do know that I'm living my farm life through you, don't you? Thank you for letting me!

    We're going to plant a few things in a square foot garden, so you can see we're getting a late start too! We'll see what happens!

    Oh, and I think I have Jason talked in to getting us some chickens and he has plans for a chicken coop! I'm excited! :)

    Have a great weekend, girl! :)


  23. I am thankful to have come by and read your blog. I smiled and that's all I hope for every day! Loved the fuzzy butts. Cracked me up!

  24. Yes, we all do have so MUCH to be thankful for! What an awesome post! YOU are totally awesome! What a lovely homeplace you have. :)

  25. I am thankful for a blogging friend like you who shares glimpses of her beautiful world with all of us. And I'm thankful for Hamburger!! He's so handsome.

  26. I just jumped over from Rue's Blog. I just wanted to say Hi and nice blog!

    love the chicken pictures!


  27. Reading your post was pure
    SONSHINE paula.
    I'm thankful for your thankful
    and fuzzy bottoms are cute too.
    cute too
    cute too

  28. That was a wonderful post--and I am thankful for many of the same things you are! Sorry about your garden...that's farming! ;) We still have not even been able to get out into the field to plant our crops due to the moisture.

  29. I am thankful for beautiful people like you...and i like those fuzzy bottoms too! :)

  30. I am tingling all the way to my toes from all the smiling I am doing..... Those fuzzy bottoms really get me going!!!
    Your thankful list is so precious. I only dream of having chickens and ,well I dream of having pygmy goats.....but sheep might be okay, too. They must be or you wouldn't love them so much!
    Love the way the 'new' barn looks. That garden will come around. We just got our beans in and will put in a second row in another week, as well as another batch of radishes. We bought some rhubarb starts today for a corner of our garden.
    We got 3 1/2" of rain yesterday but today was really gusty so some drying is happening. All the creeks and rivers are out of their banks but nothing like last year--Knock wood. We are safe right here in Paradise.......
    Sending love and good wishes.

  31. Fuzzy bottoms are the best! I hope you get some rain soon. It is wonderful to be thankful for the simple pleasures in life :)

  32. Paula,
    As usual, you have gorgeous photo's. Thank you for reminding us everything we see everyday that we should be thankful for! The Lord truly does "set a table before us"...if we open our eyes and look! Take care girl!

  33. That was a lovely break, taking your thankful tour :). And I especially like the sweet fuzzy bottoms too!

  34. That was a lovely break, taking your thankful tour :). And I especially like the sweet fuzzy bottoms too!

  35. Hi Paula, thank you so much for your comments about my aprons. Yes, I do love making them. I hope you will post pictures when you are finished. I would love to see yours. I'm thankful for all the wonderful friends I've made through blogging and all of the blogs I read every day. We do have so much to be thankful for. Every day is a blessing.

  36. Thank you, Paula, for reminding me of all I have to be thankful for.
    That would include you, and the friendship you offer so freely to all who visit...
    and this morning I am especially thankful for the sunshine coming in my window!

  37. I hope your garden flourishes ...ours is really taking off and we have hot weather now, its been in the 90s and low 100s...

  38. Paula that was such a lovely post. I too am thankful and I have many things to be thankful for. Becca

  39. Paula, This is a wonderful post, and a confirmation from God to me...long story, but it meant a lot to come here and read it and smile at the fuzzy bottoms, hear the true thankfulness of your heart, and soak up the beauty of your place.
    Can we ever be too thankful??!

    Love, Debra

  40. I'm thankful for this post! Tis beautiful!


  41. Red tractors are the prettiest...

  42. Nothing better than a thankful heart, is there?????? And right now, I'm thankful for YOU, Paula!!!!! I needed the reminder to be thankful!

    And now I want fuzzy bottoms!!!!!


  43. I'm thankful for you and your wonderful, encouraging posts. I'm thankful that you reminded me to stop and think about all the things I'm thankful for (which are too many to list, just now!)

    I'm sorry to hear that you had to re-plant your garden. I've done this once, already, this year - but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to do it yet, again. My tomatoes look dreadful (and I thought that tomatoes were supposed to be "idiot proof" -- apparently not!) Our potatoes had to be dug up (another "easy" vegetable?!?!?) It's all so discouraging for me. I think I'll just go back to wearing that "L" on my forehead, again.....

    Many Blessings!

  44. I love the Fuzzy Bottoms! Popped in from April's to say hi!

  45. I am thankful that you shared all of your blessings with us!!!
    I love your red wagon!!!


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