June 17, 2009

The Circle of Life

Not much happening to speak of right now on the Fraker Farm.... even though the days are longer it just means more and more to do outside. Thunderstorms are an almost everyday occurrence here right now.... the afternoon heat and humidity is making for some volatile weather. As I write this, thunder is rolling in the background- we've already had one bad storm that moved through about 3:00 this afternoon, but the ominous clouds seem to be circling us and headed back for an encore. Hubby works for the local utility company and weather like this usually finds him working late into the night to help restore power. Last night he didn't get home until 2:00 a.m., and tonight I may not see him at all. I'm praying for a peaceful ending to this day, so he can come home and get some rest.

I prefer my life to be routine and uneventful, but occasionally that is interrupted or turned upside down- sometimes farm life is good and bad, highs and lows, happiness and heartbreak....

I stumble upon the promise of new life- the Wren family has moved in again....

Only to be overshadowed by the death of a member of our farm family.... this was Cinnamon, my sweetest Green egger- I found her dead in the coop last week.... now I have only three left.

A bountiful harvest appears certain for some things- after three years of anxious waiting this is the first fruit to appear on my pear tree...

While others are mowed down by unwelcome creatures- this is all that's left of some of my beans.

My posts are few and far between these days and visits to my dear blog friends have also been somewhat scattered... a true sign of the season! My computer time used to be early in the morning, but outside chores beckon me instead- I try to get all I can done before the heat of the day arrives.
This too shall pass.... all too quickly, I'm afraid..... because the circle of life continues....


  1. Paula,
    Let's hope the bad storms pass too!
    We could use some of your rain as it is hot(98 today) humid and dry down here.
    I'm having the same time problem as you, even at six in the morning, gathering veggies leaves you soaking wet forget doing it after 9.
    Hope your Hubby makes it home safe and early!

  2. I'm very sorry for the loss of Cinnamon.
    I hope the storms won't be bad tonight and that your husband gets well-deserved rest.
    Summer is a busy time for most so check in when you can and let us know how you are.
    Hope you are still enjoying the bees. Each time I see anything with bees on it, I think of you!

  3. Oh I am so sorry for the loss of Cinnamon...that is so sad. I hope your storms don't cause power outages and your hubby can get home and sleep.

    I bet you ARE very busy on the farm. I sure wish Lexi and I lived close by cause we would love to go with you and help you in the mornings.♥

  4. Hi Paula,
    I am so sorry to hear about Cinnamon!
    That's the part of farm life I am not sure if I could handle.
    I hear you...I love routine and uneventful too!
    Hope hubby can get some rest. I know what you mean, my Uncle works for Florida Power and the thunderstorm season is rough on them!
    Take care and visit when you can.

  5. Paula, I'm sorry about the passing of Cinnamon. I hope the storms break up so your husband can come home and get some rest tonight. We, too have been having lots of storms. In fact, we had one this afternoon, but they say we are all clear now. I understand about not getting to blog. Mine has been limited too. Take care. Winona

  6. Paula,
    I'm so sorry about Cinnamon your hen passing away. Do you know what caused it? I had one girl about a year or so ago just dropped dead, with no symptoms.

    I think everyone is busy this time of year, so don't feel alone. You be sure to relax and pour yourself a nice cup of tea.

  7. Paula, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your sweet Ginger. I know that makes you sad because you always share how much you love your chickie-doodles!

    I have to tell you...I follow a jillion blogs on my Google Reader and whenever I see a new blog post has popped up from "The Fraker Farm" I get excited to see what is happening there. LOL! I guess it's the inner farm-girl in me wanting to connect, LOL! (I am content to be a city girl, but I do love your blog)

  8. Paula - I completely understand the mixed feelings about animals in our care. Having to make some decisions about culling our goat herd and it is so hard. One thing for sure - any critter in your care has had the BEST life has to offer. We are having very hot weather - no rain in sight - take care and any time you update is a treat for us your loyal followers!

  9. I hate the loss of your chickie! So cool about your apples! It just reminds me that I have 3 years ahead of WHENEVER i get some in the ground.Hahaha.

    Oh..and I get it on the weather! It has been so rainy here you cannot get anything done. The only thing that is doing anything around here is the grass is getting taller!

    Have a happy day anyway!

  10. So sorry to hear that you lost one of your special hens. That is always hard to swallow.

    We have also been soooooooooooooo wet here. Rain almost everyday since I quit work to be a farmchick! Maybe if I go back it will stop raining!!! I am tired of it but I remember the drought last year too! Thank you God for everything!

  11. Hi Paula,

    We've had alot of stormy weather too! I hope it stays away!

    I'm so sorry about Cinnamon!

    It is a busy time of year, so everyone is just checking in as they can. Blogging has to take a back seat sometimes because life happens! :)

    Have a great night, Paula!

  12. We have been having thunder storms
    nearly every day here too, and a lot of rain. My garden is struggling We need some sunshine and warmer nights. Its tough gardening here because we live in the mountains at 7000 ft and we have cool nights except for July and August. Sorry about your hen. It is one of the sad facts of life when you live on a farm....
    what happened to the beans?

  13. You are sure right about all that is required this time of year. I stay outside until late, trying to keep up with flower and herb gardens, keep water available to the animals in the summer heat, but I still have all the same duties indoors and socially.....just makes me more tired at night..and canning season is upon us!

    Sorry for your losses....

  14. Sometimes we find out interesting things about our blogging friends. I am so like you; I like the uneventful quiet life with a few exciting events sprinkled in just to keep me on my toes but dull makes me perfectly happy! I am sorry for the loss of Cinnamon. The weather here has been on again and off again. When it gets really ugly I am so thankful for those who can turn the lights back on! I am praying for rain today so we can see how our new rain barrel is going to work. The next thing you know we will have chickens! I really need to move to the country!

  15. Paula,
    I am so sorry about the loss of your hen.
    We are having the same type of weather here. Last night we had 7 tornados around us. It was a very scary night. We just had high winds and some hail at our place.
    We are to get more today.blah
    Hope that your hubby gets some rest.
    Give those Power guys a big hand for the great job they do for us getting the power back on in such weather. I hate sitting in the dark.
    God bless

  16. Paula, I hope that you and yours are all safe and sound from the storms. We had stormy weather rolling through last afternoon- it did bring a welcome break in that good ol' Tennessee humidity.
    I am very sorry to hear about Cinnamon.
    and Blessings,

  17. Yes, this time of year is such stormy weather and such heat and humidity. I don't blame you for getting things done on the farm before the heat of the day. I'm so sorry to hear about Cinnamon. That's so sad.

  18. Your beans look like some of mine. I dusted them with Sevin, and they stopped being feed for something and came back on. They're blooming now and starting to make tiny beans. My dad always says, "we have to share a little with the critters". But it does get frustrating!

    Sorry about Cinnamon.

    It's just been hot and humid here. No rain. We NEED some badly - everything is getting crispy and I'm having to water my garden nearly every day now.

  19. Blogging without obligation Paula. I was sorry to hear you've lost one of your hens. Safe travels for your husband.


  20. I'll certainly be prayin for your husband and you. Peace and safety for you both.
    You know, we've been missing every storm that goes your way. Not a drop here. Last night we even heard thunder - but that's all. Oh well, God is the God of rain drops too.
    I'm sorry about Cinnamon and your beans.
    I know how it is with this heat too. If I don't get out early to do chores it's so hot. Today I was late getting out (8 a.m.) and I only lasted until 10:30.
    God's richest blessings to you and yours.

  21. Paula, what's happening to your chickens? I hate that you've lost some. I've gotten so attached to mine. They keep flying out of their pen and going to the barn..I know it's a matter of time before the dogs find them out.
    We haven't had any rain here and none in the forecast. It's getting scary now.

  22. So sorry about Cinnamon!! What a heartbreaker for you!!
    Don't work too hard!hughugs

  23. Ohhh, I'm so sorry about Cinnamon.

    I know what you mean about early morning (although I don't have as much work as you...living on a farm and all!). If I don't get out early, it's way, way too hot here!
    My brother works for the utility company in Louisiana...my sister-in-law almost never sees him during this kind of weather or during hurricane season. I worry 'bout him sometimes!

  24. Hi Paula:
    So sorry to hear about the loss of Cinnamon. That's sad. But like you said, it's the circle of life.
    Do chickens just die of old age?
    We've been having some storms too, but mostly just gloominess and rain.
    How exciting to see fruit on your pear tree.
    It sounds like you are keeping yourself busy there.

  25. I know what you mean about this rain. We have had thunderstorms everyday for the last four days and we had power outages yesterday also. My new best friend has become a pair of rubber boots.

    Sorry to read about your hen. Let's pray for a calm weather day today!

  26. by the way.I love the tractor seat. My son just brought one home for me.I'm trying to figure out how to make a seat for the garden.
    Have a blessed day!

  27. So sorry for the loss of your sweet hen. I think all of us are inbetween blogging and seasonal work. Hope your husband doesn't have to stay out too late too often. Our power is forever getting knocked out and someone always has to come way out here in the middle of the night. Have a good weekend, blessings,Kathleen

  28. So sorry to hear about your Cinnamon....it happens here too.
    Get another chick, name it and begin getting more green eggs.
    The beans look familiar as well!
    Do you have deer? Or big rabbits? Some years the garden is futile but always a learning process.
    Thank you for your kind words about my friend. The day was heavy but good. There is much to be grateful for.
    I'm going out to feed the chicks and enjoy the fresh new rain!

  29. I am sorry to hear about Cinnamon.
    We had a couple of storms lately too.We needed the rain but the storm part was rough.

    I understand about not finding time for everything. I am so behind on gardening and house chores. I just don't have the time I would like to visit all my blogging friends lately. You are right about the long days. I am usually out in the garden by 6.a.m. By 8, it is hot!

    Have a good weekend.

  30. I hear you. Time inside is for short cold days. I adore being outside working in the garden or playing with my critters or just hanging out on the patio watching the world go by.
    We have had storms each day too. About 3" of rain in the last 24 hours. Tonight the power was off for 2 hours. That rarely happens in my neck of the praire.
    Sorry about your chicken. That always stinks!

  31. Thanx so much for stopping by my space. Things are so crazy for us these days. Rain-rain-raib.....Much like last year. Everyone hopes it stops soon.
    I am really sorry to hear about green egger. I know you must miss her.
    Another bummer is having James working such awful hours. I know how rough it is to be alone so much at night.

  32. Sorry for Cinnamon...I've been wanting chickens--maybe in the near future--but don't know a thing about keeping them! Guess I can learn! - C

  33. We, too, have the storms nearly every day, usually around the time I tend to the goats in the late afternoon! Either I am walking through mud or telling the goats to "eat quickly, I hear some distant thunder". I have decided that if I water my plants, it is a sure thing we will have rain....if I don't, for sure it passes over us without one drop!!!

  34. I know how you feel about your animals--sometimes life on the farm can be tough. Hope your weekend is sweet. Stop by for a visit soon. :)

  35. I love your posts and photographs! Thank you for sharing them with us. I'm just curious why your little Cinnamon died. When you find them in the coop like that, is it because of an animal or her age?? I'm sorry you've lost her. However, there is comfort in the title of your post. : )

  36. I agree-this time of the year is so busy. We've been having bad storms here too.

  37. With all this heat the storms have been pretty bad. I hope your husband can get some rest. That does sound like it would be a stressful job at times. I'm sorry about your hen! I lost one of my Easter Eggers about a week ago too. I was sad also because I love those blue/green eggs and she really was a sweetie. I'm behind on posting and visiting my friends too. I didn't realize this gardening thing would keep me so busy, lol!

  38. Wow sounds like a busy time. Was it old age that got the hen? Hopefully your crops will do good with the rain.

  39. We've been having a lot of rain around here too. It's nice, but it makes it hard to do work in the garden!

    I know what you mean about being busy throughout the day. If I get on the internet really early in the morning (5-6am) then it works pretty well... but if I get on at 9 or so, it's so slow that I get frustrated and go do something else. But getting out in the garden early is best b/c it's cooler. It's definitely a catch 22!

  40. The circle of life can be beautiful and sad at the same time. Storms have slowed here and the heat has come! In the high 90's, yikes!!

  41. Love your blog. It is amazing how blogs can be found and the variety right next to each other.
    Chickens, rooster, dogs and farming. I'll be back.
    Thanks for the walk around the farm.

  42. Hey Paula, Can you forgive me it's been so long since I have visited you? Seems like there is not enough hours in the day anymore. It's been crazy with the kids this year and the things we are getting ready for in the upcoming school year. One is going to be a senior and so much to do. They are taking pictures already!

    I'm sorry to hear about Cinnamon. Colin would love to find a nest of birds just the other day he cut up a bunch of yarn and scattered it around the backyard for the birds to build a nest. Daddy has also promised to help him build a birdhouse and feeder. Hopefully they can get started on them over the weekend. Take Care :)

  43. The ebb and flow of live is what keeps us going......Goodbye sweet Cinnamon....hello yummy Pears!!!


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