December 11, 2009

Ode to Hamburger

Cecil enjoys the sunshine while watching Gertie and Sadie fight over a worm.

I was in my favorite Wal-Mart last week (the one that still has the fabric department) looking for some homespun material to make a Christmas tree skirt when I found this fabric....

I couldn't believe my eyes! It's Hamburger! Right down to the spots.... and look at the eggs on each side! *squeal*

Of course I had to buy some and now I've been looking at it all week, trying to decide what to do with it. I've narrowed it down to 2 choices... place mats for my table, or a tote bag and book cover. What do you think? I'm leaning more toward the place mats right now, but I don't know. 
Either way, I'm sure Hamburger would be pleased that I'm honoring his memory.
(Maybe not... he's probably too busy courting the hens in Chicken Heaven to care.)

Have a great weekend, everybody!


  1. Awwwww I love that fabric and it is definitely right up your alley. I'm sure whatever you decide to make you will get a smile each time you look at it. What a great memory of Hamburger!

    Love the picture of Cecil! I'll stop by and say hi to your friend in a bit. Hope you have a great weekend.♥

  2. Good Morning Paula, I LOVE that fabric. Like you, I think the placemats would be my choice and I think Hamburger would be very honored. I'm on my way to visit your friend now. Hope you enjoy the weekend too!

  3. Cute fabric! If Hamburger could see it, I'm sure his chest would puff out even further!!

    I was looking at Christmas tree skirts at Wal-mart and wowza, they're $20!! I'll just have to wait until the day after Christmas to get one on sale! We can do without this year!

  4. How cute! I love the material too..I can see pillows with that cute pattern! Let us know what you do with it! Come say hi :D

  5. I'd say that fabric was meant for YOU! I will definitely pop over and say hello to your friend!

  6. Great fabric, I love it. I can't wait to see what you have done with it! Hamberger was a very lucky chicken to have you. I am excited to visit your friends page! Blessings

  7. What a sweet post...I love that material. I am sure whatever you decide to use it for, it will come out just beautiful!

  8. That fabric is you!! I think that placemats would be a really cute idea.
    Please let us know what you do with it.
    I will stop by your friends, as I enjoy meeting new blog friends.
    Love the photo of your pup, ours does not like snow at all.

  9. Hi Paula, I'm sure Heaven has some lovely hens to keep Hamburger company:) love the fabric, it would make wonderful placemats!!! Enjoy your day!

  10. I vote for placemats.....what great fabric and a fitting memorial for to visit your friends blog....hugs

  11. Great chicken lovers think alike! I just bought this fabric earlier this week. Wait til you see what I'm going to make. I've had my online store but wanted to blog about my crafts so just started my craft blog..throughnanaswindow.blogspot
    I think it would make great placemats..something that you'll always have out to remind you of Hamburger.

  12. I am deep into apron gift construction, so you know what I'm thinking!!!
    Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  13. You are a lucky duck to have a wal-mart that still has fabric - and what a great find. I think I'd do place mates as well.

  14. Paula what a great find! What Walmart still has fabric? I had to drive all the way to Roackwood this week and then was told that the fabric department will be going out of busniss. Boo Woo! I love that fabric! I am leaning toward place mats as I think it quite funny to eat from the animals that put the food on the table. As an ode to Hamburger, how cool can you get.

  15. absolutely on the placemats - would be so cute with red napkin holders! I'm sure Hamburger is fine with whatever you do -

  16. Hey, I'm jealous! You still have a Walmart with fabric????? That's totally not fair. I love that fabric and I vote for placemats. Take Care :)

  17. That fabric is totally cute! Oh, Hamburger may he rest in peace...bless his soul!

  18. Are you sure they didn't use that photo of Hamburger as the model image for that fabric? Looks like an exact match. As far as what you might make with the fabric, I'd say, which would you use more? I think it would look good as either item.

  19. GREAT fabric..I think it would make a wonderful tote bag!!!!

    Hugs, Doreen

  20. How nice of Walmart to remember your lovely Mr. Chicken! A tote would be so cute-but I like the placemet idea too. Maybe a whole wall covered in it for the barn??!!
    Have fun, sweetie!

  21. That fabric is so cute! I can't wait to see what you decide to make with it!

  22. Wow, that is so awesome! I'm so happy you found that, it was meant to be! I think I would like the placemats.

  23. The fabric is wonderful! I have some similar fabrics I still have not decided how to use....but I am leaning more towards making comforters with mine. You can always use a comforter with a solid backing to warm yourself as you read or watch T.V.!

  24. Ahh, hamburger would be pleased that you are thinking of him. Love the fabric!!

  25. I say, go back...get a little more and do all three!!Hahaa...I LOVE it!!hughugs

  26. Sweetie, you are so darned considerate and thoughtful. I think it is a fab idea to have mementos that remind you of your beloved rooster. I know you must still be thinking of him alot. My poor Tate is much better but I was so upset when he was down. I know how much we come to love our pets. I don't know how I will handle their passing. It will be hard. I love the thought of Hamburger chasing around angel hens.......

  27. I love that material and I'm sure that Hamburger would be honored! I think it would be cute for either project, but you will get to see it more if you make the placemats.

    I love Wal Marts that still have fabric, too. I think the material at ours is starting to dwindle. I'm afraid that that is a bad sign:(

  28. Hello my dear,

    I also have a favorite Wal~Mart (mostly because they still have a fabric shop) it is a drive to get to, however, along the way we also have a mennonite farm store where we can purchase all sorts of spices, flours, fruits, etc. all in bulk for very resonable prices.

    I love that fabric, yes~ yes, a hand bag, or place mat would be splendid.

    Our very own Mr. Roo passed on a few months ago, and we are tickled to see him on such things as fabric, wall paper borders, kitchen towels, even pot holders.

    Keep us posted as to what you have decided to do with that one of a kind fabric find.

    Blessings from our home to yours,

  29. Thanks everybody- I think I'll make placemats first, then do like Donna said- go back and get more fabric! *giggle*

  30. that's a tough one - I think placemats!

  31. I love that fabric. We only have about 1 Walmart in our area that still has fabric. I heard a rumor the other day that they are getting ready to remodel. I know that means the fabric department will go away. I hate it so much! Otherwise, I can drive to Dayton from where I live in about 30 min.

  32. So pretty!! I really like that fabric....although I don't know what I'd use it for.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. And you're right....she was really, really cold but she didn't want to come in! lol

  33. Miss Paula,
    That fabric is too precious!
    Where would you see it more to enjoy? On your kitchen table or as a tote?
    I always try to ask myself that when I'm trying to decide what to do with a favorite fabric.... then I usually decide that it's too pretty to cut and so I don't. I'm such a goof.

    Merry Christmas,

    P.S. It always cracks me up when I read that you named your rooster, "Hamburger"! You are too funny!

  34. Adorable-I vote placemats-but anything you make will be great (love the snowy scenes below)

  35. Paula, I am so busy, I don't always get a chance to catch up...I didn't know Hamburger was gone! So sorry, but what a great way to remember him! Blessings,Kathleen

  36. How about curtains! :)) You just have fun with the fabric!!

  37. what cute fabric!! And I love your snow! Calling for it here tonight. Yeah!!

  38. Hi Paula!! It was so nice to hear from you. I smiled when I saw your name pop up. Thank you so much!

    I love this fabric. I vote for the placemats. They'll be beautiful!
    Merry Christmas!
    Patricia :o)

  39. Hey Paula, Thanks for stopping by today. I just finished up another present box...well minus the bow on top. I worked for 2 hours tring to get it right and for some reason it just didn't turn out so it's a Christmas box. lol But it needed to be finished to send to school tomorrow and I don't know if I'm just overly tired or if I had too many kid interruptions.

    The little munchkin is going to be disappointed tomorrow. On the 11:00 am news they said we were going to get 2 to 4 inches of snow starting late tomorrow into Saturday and now on the 11:00 pm they are now saying we won't get any here. He was looking forward to going out and playing in it. Maybe it will change again before tomorrow evening. lol Not that I really like the stuff! Are you suppose to get any up that way?

    I hope we hear something from one of the other colleges soon. I would like to have other options open before making a final decision. I really tried talking her into going to community college for the first year and doing her core classes there at a lower cost. And she would be able to stay home for another year. Wishful Thinking!

    Can't wait to see the placemats and I really do love that fabric!

    Take Care :)


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