June 15, 2012

Friday Farm Fotos: Birds, Bees, Blooms, and Butts

Sunpuddles sure do make a gal lazy around here....


Just a quick post this morning as I have a million (okay, so maybe not that many) errands to run today, but before I headed out the door I wanted to share some random pictures I've taken this week.

Mr. Woodpecker stops in about the same time every morning for his suet snack...

but then for some reason he has been flying up to the roof to clean his beak
on the guttering of the house.
I know he's finished eating when I hear a rapid-fire "bra-a-a-a-ap" sound coming from above...
*sigh*... Nice manners, huh.


I mentioned a couple of weeks ago how well the honey bees have been doing
sinced they came to live with us back in March~ here is a picture of the hive....
See the four shallow boxes on the top of the two larger ones?
These are called "supers" and are full of honey. 
Soon it will be time to take some of the honey off~
we will take half and leave half for them to eat this winter.
We feel very blessed to have these little bees call our place home....


My hostas are really coming along this year~ this is the first one to bloom.
I think their colors are so pretty.
Hopefully they will all be blooming soon.


I realized something terrible the other day...
I haven't posted a fuzzy-bottom picture on here in a long time!
I must be slipping....

What was that you said?
One fuzzy-bottom is just not enough?

Alrighty, then~ maybe just one more....


Better be on my way~ Happy Friday, everyone!


  1. Things are really jumping at your place. That Lily! She needs to settle down :D Love those little bees. I have lots of hostas too. Don't work too hard today!

  2. Good morning Paula..goodness I love your post and OH, how I wish you lived closer!!

    wishing you a wonderful day and, as always..thank you for the inspiration and smiles.

    hugs, doreen

  3. AWWWWW those fuzzy butts are just adorable! Lily sure has a wonderful life, tee-hee, what a sweetie she is:)Have a wonderful day paula!

  4. As usual your photos are beautiful. Would love some fresh honey! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Miss Lily looks quite content in her sunpuddle! Love all those cute fuzzy bottoms!

  6. LOVE Lily's tongue!Hahaaaaa
    So happy about the bees being busy there...good to see!
    And I WAS missing the fuzzy bottoms Girl!Hahaaa
    Happy weekend!

  7. sunpuddles and fuzzy bottoms! what fun!

  8. Love my Lily! And the fuzzy bottoms; I don't know which is the front and which is the back! Too funny! I just got 4 six week old chicks and we'll see what happens. They aren't fuzzy bottoms though, they are fighting hens. So what they'll do I have no clue. My hope is they will walk around the yard and eat bugs! :) Have a good weekend!

    Ardith/Green Country

  9. Haha, I LOVE Lily's tongue hangin' out! (looks like me on a hot summer afternoon ~ 'cept her nails are nicer!)

    GREAT pictures again, my friend! You surely do live on a li'l patch o' heaven!! ♥

  10. Hello Paula and Miss Lily! I love this post and all the photos. Glad the bees/honey are doing well. Have a very nice weekend.

  11. I love your place so much I could move in...lol..Joking ...You always have so much to show and I know it keeps you on your toes but I know it's so rewarding for you...

  12. Oh my goodness, Miss Lily looks like she has been running the farm and came in to take a breather. I Adore your headless birds, I have 2 as well. They make great pets...giggle...

    You are blessed to have those bees, I so want some...well I do, they are all over the clover in the backyard but cant seem to find out where the hive is.

    GOOD to see you and the gang and to know all is okay there!

    GOD bless and keep you safe.

  13. Oh Paula, those little feather butts are too cute. Great pics as always!! Have a great week!

  14. okay, I'm struggling here...what's it called when you have like sounds going on...birds, bees, blooms, butts?
    cute post though!

  15. Oh, Paula - I was waiting to see a picture of Lily's butt... :)

    Sweet pictures of your fuzzies! Now, go get your errands run!

  16. Loved these pictures! We used to keep a few bees; such interesting little workers! And those fuzzy bottoms look like powder puffs!

  17. Good Morning Paula!
    Lily has the right idea!
    Oh to be her~~~ what a life!

    It's pretty cool that the bees have stayed and that they are thriving!
    You're going to get some serious honey this year.

    Love those fuzzy butts too.
    Man oh man... those chicks are growing so fast!

    Have a great day, and have fun running your errands :)

    Your friend,

  18. Oh, fun stuff going on at your place. Love the sun puddle photo. I think I totally could curl up in one and make some zzzzz's.

  19. Busy times on Fraker Farm - thank you for your sweet comment - I appreciate my bloggy friends even though I haven't been commenting lately.

  20. Oh that Lily is so dear.. That picture is priceless, Paula.. Sorry I have been absent lately.. Soon be back to normal... Love the butts, too.. smile..
    Blessings sweet friend..

  21. °`♥✿✿⊱╮
    Deliciosas essas fotos... o cão é tão fofinho.
    Boa semana!

  22. Paula,

    Yours is the last comment I will make on anyone's blogs before I take my break. I just had to see that cute puppy dog in the sunshine and those cute fuzzy bottoms! :-) The bee hive is wonderful! I sure wish I could have one, but I think my neighbors would have a fit! :-) You asked about me supplying water. Actually I do plan to get a bird bath, but right now when I go out to water the garden, I water the seedling trays first. I have plastic dishes under the peat pots to hold water to feed in to the seedlings so they don't dry out so fast. There are always at least five bees happily drinking water from these dishes or the edges of the peat pots themselves. I see lizards drinking from the plastic dishes under some of my container plants too at times, and birds. There is a water feature out there, but I don't have it turned on. Probably by fall I will when the back porch is sufficiently cleaned off and looks more like a pleasant place to sit in the late afternoons....right now it's a mess! :-) I'm happy to have the bees....just feel sorry for the hummers sometimes when they can't find a port to feed from for all the bees happily getting drunk out there! :-)

    Have a wonderful week....I will likely be back in about a week or so....And thanks again for all your great advice!

  23. I'll take a nap with the dog. Great pictures and I do mean great.
    I’ve been a follower on your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation

  24. Very cute(top picture). Richard

  25. Awww! I missed those fuzzy butts! I missed you too. It's so good to stop by for a visit. Your photos are lovely my friend....

  26. That post just cheered me up so. When you start a post w/ a picture of sweet Lily you can't help but smile.
    Getting any rain? We're dry as bones in the holler...

  27. As always your photos are beautiful. I love the dog lying there in the sun, I love the chickens, your flowers, I love all your farm photos. You have such a beautiful home.

  28. I love your photos and fuzzy butts!

  29. I tootled over here from RiverBend Farm Blog :O).
    Love the cart for your Lily, we bike too but I am not sure we could pull our furry child in one of those carts LOL. I think he would like it but it would have to be XXXLrg LOL

    Love all the animals. I also have an embroidery machine and quilt :O).


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