June 8, 2012

Friday Farm Fotos: Celebrating a Life

Morning Sun through the trees

It's the hardest thing about having animals...
when you have to say goodbye to one of them.

Two days ago we lost one of our ewes, Baby.
She had only been sick for a short time, but due to her age she was unable
to bounce back and had become very feeble.
Early that morning when I headed out the door to feed,
I glanced toward the field and saw her body laying motionless on the dew-covered ground.
For some reason she had wandered out of the barn during the night and fell,
and didn't have the strength to get back up.
Hubby spent the better part of the morning digging a grave for her...
and afterwards we talked about how hard it was going to be to look out the window
and not see her grazing with the rest of the gang.
But I can take comfort in the fact that she lived a very good life here with us;
and it's always better to think on the good rather than dwell on the bad.
So, today's post will not be a sad one,
but rather a happy one just remembering the life of one of God's little creatures.

Here is a picture of her when she was just a girl~
she had the most graceful long legs of any of our ewes.

Keeping watch over her week-old lamb, Rowdy.

Stopping to say "Hi" to Lily....

Her favorite thing- being out into the pasture in the cool, early morning
with the rest of the flock.

"Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you there."
- Isla Paschal Richardson

Sleep tight, sweet girl... you will never be forgotten.


  1. Sorry Paula.

    I do like and agree with the quote by Isa Richardson.

  2. I'm sorry you lost your Baby, Paula. It is a hard thing but, we can always thank the Lord for giving us the pleasure of caring with love for any animal He puts into our hands.

  3. Saying goodbye to a beloved animal is soooo difficult. At my age, I should be getting better at it but I'm not. Hugs to you. Beautiful picture of the light streaming through the trees.

  4. ❤♡ Olá!
    Passei para admirar suas fotografias.
    Bom fim de semana!

  5. Bless her heart! I am so sorry & sad for your loss.
    What a PRECIOUS face.
    She was a beauty, that's for sure.

  6. i am very, very sorry. poor little sweet thing...

  7. Paula I'm so sorry. She truly was a gorgeous girl.

  8. Really love that top images, which is one of my most favorite type of pictures, well done. Richard

  9. Oh dear friend~I'm sorry....she was very beautiful, and I'm glad you have lots of sweet memories-that's the best part...You are right to focus on that.
    Love you,

  10. I'm sorry for your loss, Paula. Seems that just goes with being the caretaker of farm animals. A lot of the time we keep cows that are old and they die on the farm.

    I love the quote.

  11. Paula, this was a beautiful tribute to your dear Baby. She was beautiful. Sorry for your loss, {{hugs}} dear blogger friend.

  12. So sorry for your loss, she will be in your hearts forever..I love the quote, the post and quote brought tears..Susie

  13. Your photos are beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss. She looks like she was a pretty lamb! Enjoy your weekend!

  14. What a pretty girl she was! I'm sorry, Paula!

  15. Paula..
    I'm so sorry for your loss.
    How sad.

    Sending {{hugs}}...

  16. I can't think of a better way for a sheep to die than in the pasture of her youth and her life. For her and for you.I am sorry for your loss of a beloved sheep.

  17. So sad about your ewe, Paula! I'm so sorry you lost her. She was a beautiful animal! It's always hard to have to say goodbye to an animal that has captured our heart!

  18. Aw, so sad to hear about your Baby, Paula. I think she must have been a favorite of yours - you have such sweet things to say of her... Hard to let them go, I know, and we get attached to our livestock animals just like we do our dogs and cats. So sorry...

  19. Ahh Paula this post made me tear up. I hate hearing that you lost her, cause I know you are so close to all your "babies". She had the best life ever, being on your farm.

  20. Paula, I firmly believe our beloved animals will be waiting for us in heaven. He created them first and loves them dearly.

  21. Oh Paula! I'm SO Sorry! Sweet Baby girl...

  22. OH! how I relate to this Post, Paula, and I am so sorry for your loss of Baby. The photos indeed tell of a happy ewe, and I am so glad she was yours.

  23. So sorry, it is hard to lose an animal.

  24. I am so sorry. I love your thoughts and will tuck them in my heart for when I know I will need to remember them. Bless you.

  25. ps...your morning photo is soooo beautiful.

  26. Thank you so much for your info on the bees, Paula. It was so kind of you to look up the bee skeps. I seem to have plenty in the yard but I tend to worry about them, and would love to have a hive (not sure how that would go over with my neighbors, though) I want to get a few more flowering plants for both the back yard and the front. I'm sure that will help. Sometimes there are fifteen or twenty on my hummingbird feeder! :-)

  27. I was so sorry to hear about your loss. It is always so hard to say good-bye to any of our fur-friends.


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