June 5, 2009

Sewing room tour

Toy Singer sewing machine with hand-turned wheel, given to me by my Grandmother.

I think back sometimes to when I first started this blog and realize I don't always post the way I intended to in the beginning. I thought I would show more of my sewing projects and crafts, but it seems farm life is often the focus of my blog. (And of my life, too.) I'm constantly buying cute patterns and I know I'll never have the time to sew them all, but I'm always thinking maybe a little one in the family would love a stuffed animal or toy to play with like I did when I was small. One of my most treasured possessions to this day is a little stuffed dog my Mom made for me. I never played with dolls very much, just once in a while, but I LOVED stuffed animals of all kinds. Along with making the little dog, she also made some little clothes for it and for some of my other animals as well. I had the best dressed animals in town! I still have a fondness for them and every time I sit down at my machine, I think of Mom sitting at her machine. It's a bittersweet memory, but one I will always hold dear to my heart.

One of my other most prized possessions is the sewing machine Hubby bought for me. I had a wonderful little Viking machine, a no-frills model with basic stitches and easy operation, but every time we went into Joann's Fabric in Knoxville I drooled all over the Viking embroidery machines. Not long after Mom passed away, Hubby and I were walking through Joann's and once again I got lost in the Viking department. Hubby started talking to the sales lady and found out we could trade mine in and get full price of my machine marked off the new one! I was so excited... for the first couple of weeks all I did was look at my beautiful new machine! Hubby said, "Are you ever going to sew anything with it?" I was fascinated by the embroidery feature- I just loved to watch it sew on it's own! Since then I've rewarded Hubby by embroidering many shirts for him- mostly with tractors on them. It was such a wonderful thing to help keep my mind occupied after Mom passed away, and Hubby was so special in getting it for me that I will always cherish it.

This is my machine- a Viking Scandinavia 400.

I also have a Singer serger... I don't use it very often- mostly when I'm making a skirt or hemming something- but it's still nice to have. This machine was at a local WalMart that was closing out it's fabric department-it was originally $200 and I got it for $90! I was so thrilled- it was the last one they had.

I don't keep a lot of different embroidery thread on hand, just basic colors, so if I need a special color I have to go buy it. But I do try to keep normal thread in a variety of colors- Hubby bought this thread rack for me this past Christmas and it has been wonderful to have them all displayed like this.

My sewing table is actually a Martha Stewart dining table from KMart- it has one large drawer where I keep my small scissors, extra needles, and other notions. It's big and sturdy and it has lots of room. I keep my other necessities in a plastic bin next to the table so things are always close at hand.

I have more to show you from my sewing room, but I'll save that for another time- have a wonderful weekend, everybody!


  1. The toy machine is a treasure! How lucky you are to have something like that. Oh, how I would love to have a serger. Never have used one but would love to have one. I see you have the same white plastic drawer set-up that I do. They're great!

  2. Thanks for the tour, Paula! What a beautiful room!!

  3. I love seeing your sewing room Paul and I know sewing brings back memories of your mom and the treasures she made for you. I just read a blog where a grandma's recent project influenced her 14 yr. old granddaughter to sew the same doll. She, like you, will have precious memories to recall one day. How thoughtful of your husband to get you the machine and thread holder - I love your special creative corner! Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Paula, I found your blog through a dear friend last night. I must tell you that I sat and read all the way back to your beginning. You have a way with words. I love the story about Daisy and Edie. Your sewing room looks great. Have a good weekend. Winona

  5. I love your sewing room, orderly and attractive !You have motivated me, I will be re-organizing my work room next week! I have only the old 1954 Kenmore sewing machine my grandmother gave me, and it works quite well, but I have thought about those Vikings a time or two ( don't tell Kenmore)

  6. Wow, Paula! I'm very impressed. I don't have an ounce of sewing creativity in me....the stitcheries and sewing on the occasional button are my limits! I love the old sewing machine you have too! Your sewing space looks so nice and tidy! Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I'm so impressed, Paula, and quite jealous, too! :) Oh, to be crafty like you!

  8. wow..love the little machine..and your two wonderful machines are great....and look at how neat and tidy your sewing room is....currently my sewing room is neat...but it's only because I have things scattered all over the rest of the house!!!

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  9. What a nice sewing machine! Your sewing room is so neat - mine is also the office so it's so cluttered. But my favorite thing is the little toy sewing machine (squeal.)

  10. I just knew we were kindred spirits! I have one of those toy machines too, given to me by MY grandmother! Your's looks way better shape than mine, but my aunt told me that when she was a little girl she actually made things with it. I have always wondered about it, when it was made and all, but have not ever found out, that is just way too cool! Oh and I have to say this though, your sewing room is way toooooo neat!!!! How do you keep it so organized?????? I just love it. One day I will have one too maybe, but right now it is the dining room table lol!

  11. Oh Paula, I'm so excited for you, we have sister machines. Hubby got me a Viking-saphire for Christmas, but as you mentioined farm life seems to drag us away from certain activities ( I still do not know how to embroider)but want to embroider the babies name and birthdate on the bias of her blankie (which, I still have to sew.) Yes, I think of my grandma when I sit at my machine (not that my mom didn't sew) she did, she made me a pink polyester pant suit which came back to haunt me at my 10 year graduation reunion when one of my friends brought in a first grade school picture... LOL Thanks Mom, for all the effort and hard work, I suppose polyester was in then.

    I wasn't much for dolls growning up either. I knew, I would be a country girl one day, as I was definately a tom-boy.

    Thanks for the tour, I love tours!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  12. I love your sewing room --love the picture of the thread!! Have a great weekend!

  13. Your sewing room looks so nice and organized. I love it!

  14. Is your sewing room always so organized? I hope to one day have an area for just that but for now, my stuff is scattered in two rooms...sigh....love yours.....I just have a little Sears sewing machine, just a basic one but its reliable...no fuss which I like..
    the toy machine is wonderful....

  15. Oh, I am swooning over that machine!!! I am also trying very hard NOT to be jealous of that serger!

    You are one very fortunate gal! What a fabulous creative space! :)

  16. I love your machines and the spool holder. I own two machines and never used them. I really am not fond of sewing. I was horrible in Home Ec class. I really love your white desk. I have been wanting to get rid of an oversized computer desk and use a nice table like what you have. Thanks for comfirming I had the right idea.

  17. What a treasure from Gramma! I LOVE IT! I've seen them on ebay and been tempted! But it would never be so wonderful as having one "passed down."
    I love your room Paula! And what a great deal on your Viking! That was less expensive than their cheapest sewing machines! WOW! GO GIRL! -- I don't have a serger but my sissy does and she loves it. It would take me forever just to figure out how to thread one.
    I use my old featherweight all the time. Like you, I have a ton of primitive dollie patterns (think I collect them lol) But it's fun that when that urge to make something hits, you have lots of options! I have a coffee can just like yours. Gonna make a pincushion to match ... maybe youll see it at the potting shed soon. Hey; I can't wait to see more okay?!! More treasures, and crafts! More collections! More Daisy and EDIE too! ;)
    I love reading you!
    Holykisses Lea
    I gotta go, I'm gonna be nearly late for church ahhhh!

  18. Very nice sewing room!! Thanks for the tour!

  19. Oh, my good gravy! Your sewing room is beautiful! I absolutely love the antique Singer. I am still seeking one like my Grandmothers. My Mom never did sew much but both of my Grandmothers did-by machine and by hand. Everything is so tidy and your spool rack is so beautiful with color. My Sara would love it if I had an embroidery machine, but I have yet to explore all the options on the machine I have.
    BTW- my favorite childhood toy was a teddy bear my dear Grandmother made me and had to replace the button eyes on regularly!
    How are the baby Elvis and baby Priscilla doing?
    Yes, I will paint the stars-just don't know about the display part or colors ro choose. I'm thinking maroon-red and navy blue.

  20. Farm life does take up a lot of time but it's so good hear about it all! Love the sewing room, machines and thoughts you've put into our minds about how to get a new machine......! There never is enough time for all the fun in life!! Keep sewing!

  21. Hi Paula,
    I just love the little toy sewing machine!
    What special memories of your mom. Sounds like you got your love of sewing and talent from her.
    How wonderful of your hubby to get the new machine for you!
    I bet it is so nice to have a sewing room. I have to get my sewing machine out of the closet and use the dining room table when I sew...it's a pain!
    Take care :)

  22. Oh Paula, that toy Singer is precious! Your sewing room is so NEAT. Mine has projects and things needing mending and ironing piled everywhere! I do hope to get it cleaned up this summer!

  23. Thank you for sharing your sewing room pictures. I love your toy sewing machine. My sewing table is a farm table that my aunt use to use for her dining table. It's perfect for my sewing machine and other things.

    I would love to see your photos of your dog if you still have it. I always had a favorite teddy bear when I was growing up and his name was Bimbo. My mom said I named it after that song Bimbo that Jim Reeves sung. Poor old Bimbo had an eye missing and I must have dragged him everywhere. I found a teddy bear that looked alot like him a few years back and bought him.

    I look forward to seeing more pictures of your sewing room and your projects too!

  24. Wow.. your tour encourages me to have my own :) I so want to learn sewing :)

  25. Paula,
    I love the old toy machine. Your serger is the same one that I have. I too got mine at Walmart but it was more than $90, what a buy ;-)

    Your sewing room is sooooo clean and organized. No pics of mine will be up for all the world to see, LOL!!

  26. It is so organized!!!!
    I dream of having such a lovely space.......that is one of my requests for our new home.....a good room for creating...and a pool of course...we are moving to FL, it's HOT!!!


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