April 19, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Apple Blossoms.....

Using my favorite teapot....

A morning pick-me-up in my favorite mug.....

Watching lambs in the grass....

Chickens at my back door...

Excitement over a new project...

Strumming a new song on an old friend...

Watching Edie play peek-a-boo....

A cool morning breeze through an open window....

What are some of your simple springtime pleasures?


  1. Happy Spring to you. The ground waking up to new life is my favorite. Well, that and the warmer weather!

  2. Your home looks so incredibly relaxed and comfortable!!! And beautiful!! (May I come and vacation there someday? I'll even promise to help out a little!)

  3. Gorgeous pictures, Paula, and a comfy warm atmosphere. What a pleasant environment! You are blessed! Wishing you a good week!

  4. Love your pictures! My FAVORITE Springtime pleasure is opening my windows. Followed closely by reading on my back porch swing. I LOVE Spring weather.♥

  5. Wonderful pictures, Paula. I love it when it starts getting warm and you can hear the birds singing. Then all the animals start playing. It just makes me want to get out and roll in the grass as well. LOL Winona

  6. The crispness of a spring morning and the beautiful daffodils for color. Hava a great spring day.

  7. Some of my simple pleaseures is my favorite cut off jeans and a pair of comfy flip flops, a cool evening on the deck, all the kids tucked in and a sleep, the sound of a rooster crowing in the morning, the smell of fresh roses in bloom, and knowing that I serve a living God! Praise be to God for all his glory and blessings on my life!

  8. Paula, I just love your place! What are you building?

    Springtime is my favorite! I love to throw all the windows open and let the breezes in (AFTER the pollen has slacked up a bit!) Going barefoot in my newly tilled garden, hearing my neighbor's chickens and roosters early in the morning, seeing the dew on the pastures at daybreak - looks like diamonds, and listening to the frogs as they start up their evening chorus in the spring! Good post! You made me think of all that I love (AND MORE) in the spring!

  9. Very nice pics! I love checking for eggs, and feeding grain to the horses - and watching my corgi girls run around and herd each other! It's a sunny day, so i best get busy!

  10. Hi Paula~ I love french vanilla cafe and I have some of those rooster mugs too, LOL! I can't get enough of the smell of apple blossoms and lilacs, the smell is just so wonderful, but neither lasts nearly long enough then we have to wait a whole year! Happy spring to you my friend:)

  11. Well Happy Spring to you dear, an sounds like you had a great morning too, have a really blessed day also.
    Lots of Hugs, Barbara from

  12. I love this post! I'm going to grab my camera and figure out how to upload the photos on this computer!


  13. I like seeing the little sprouts raise their heads to the sun..we have many little seedlings in peat pots...a tiny miracle....

  14. Pretty much, my simple pleasures are the same as yours. I like to hold down porch furniture, sip a glass of ice tea or iced coffee, work in the studio, snooze in the sun, make a quiche for supper...which I better get cracking on!
    See ya!

  15. Seeing more greenery. Hearing the birds singing. Watching for new signs of life out my trees.
    The warmer temps and a few spring showers.

  16. I would have to say, listening to the birds, watching them eat from the fresh bird seed, and light spring-time showers.

  17. Well, I'd say "amen" to all of yours and add....listening to birds sing while I read my Bible in the a.m. with my first and second cup of coffee, smell of cut grass, watching a football game with my family, talking to my son,,,,I could go on. Thanks for the chance to count my many blessings.

  18. Great pics! That roo is so pretty!

  19. wonderful blog post - so many of the little moments of a day can be a symphony - I love the mockingbirds sitting on our roof singing their hearts out. Well mockingbirds and goat kids romping across a pasture. Oh yeah --- nevermind I could write all day - LOVE springtime

  20. Oh, Hon, I love-love-love the pictures of lambs. They are adorable. Mike and I went to the farm store today to look at the chicks and ducklings--and they had bunnies. I fell in love with a little caramel colored bunny but, alas, knew I could not bring him home....*sigh*
    We have been opening our windows in the daytime. Before this cold spell, it was warm enough to have them open at night! It was awesome. Our ornamental pear was totally covered in blossoms. Now it is lilacs that perfume our rooms......Spring is good and I am happy we share it! :) Hugs!

  21. I love your simple pleasures...such a beautiful rooster! Come say hi :D

  22. It's so nice to come and visit you...Your home feels filled with so much love...Happy Spring my friend!.

  23. Ahh, that was all so relaxing. The simple things are the best! I cannot get enough of all your critters!

  24. Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I haven't posted in a long time because I am slammed at work, we planted our garden and I have been knitting baby stuff so much that I am totally bored with it. Nothing exciting. Bought a share in a goat and now I am teaching myself how to make goat cheese. Totally fasinated with the whole process. Too bad we don't live closer, you could have some! I love your spring pictures. I so would love to open my windows here in the city not worrying about what kind of yahoo would think that's an open invitation to help themselves to my belongings! Oh, how I long for the country life again. You my dear, are a very lucky girl!

  25. Wow, you live a blessed life if you can say all those things and it's not out of some book but reality for you! That's why I love reading your blog! Thanks for stopping by to say hello on my blog! Spring sales are one of my fave things and lilies and cherry blossoms! Growing up it was the blossoms on the apricot tree. OH! What a glorious thing that was for me!

  26. Awwww...I love them All but the favorite is the chicken at the back door!!Hahaa

  27. Ahh Paula you take the best pictures. It's like looking through a book of farm life, except better.
    I will have to go back and read some of your older posts that I missed to see what the new project is.
    We don't have much of a spring here in Utah. Winter seems to drag on for a long time. We had some snow today.

  28. Awwwwwwwww Paula, everything looks so beautiful. I hope and pray Miss Lucy is feeling better. I know how hard it is when a furry friend is feeling poorly.
    I'm excited for your new project! Looks awesome!

  29. Lovely pictures.....

    Warm sun on my shoulders and the smell of freshly dilled dirt!

    Stop on over for a visit.

  30. calves, flowers, warm dirt and freshly mowed hay

  31. Hi Paula, I'm taking a little time off but wanted to say "hi" and tell you what a cozy and pretty home you have. Your pets are so sweet in these photos. Spring is such a lovely season and I wish you many blessings. I love being able to enjoy an open window!

  32. Oh Paula, I love all your simple pleasures. Sometimes we don't just stop and enjoy them!
    Hugs, Ann

  33. What beautiful photos! I love all the pretty spring colors, the warm breezes, the new chicks (not that I have any, yet!), watching my new plants grow, and the list goes on!

    Thanks for sharing your spring with us!


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